Anyone else concerned about Seattle and what it means for the future

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I’ve been watching news coverage tonight of the takeover of an entire section of the city of Seattle by a Marxist mob and I’m more than a little concerned. I watched a Socialist city council member cheering on the cause and basically saying they want to take over more of the city. The Democrat mayor shows no sign, as of yet, of doing anything about it. The police have pulled back. The governor of Washington, when asked about it today, claimed he hadn’t heard about it. (What? How is that possible?) The mob has a list of demands, which even if they were reasonable, which they’re not (they include emptying the prisons), is taking a city hostage the way to go about it? It is obvious to me that the left wing education that has been taking place on college campuses has now spilled over into the real world of actual city blocks.

To my knowledge, no Democrat is pushing back against this. It is no secret that the Democrat party has become very influenced by the Socialists in their party. My question is: if you are a Democrat, does this concern you? If nothing is done about this, how will this “revolution” not spread to other cities? Is this good for our country to have lawless mobs taking over our cities and towns? I cannot see a Democrat president stopping this from happening.

Why should anyone vote for a Democrat if they can’t even push back on this for fear of being called racist or whatever? And if they give in to their demands how will that not embolden the mob from taking over more territory, more areas and using “whatever means necessary” to accomplish their twisted ideology which is not about racial equality at this point. It is an ideological revolution to these people? Does this concern any Democrats out there? A mob mentality has descended upon this nation where anti-white racism is apparently OK; a professional soccer player gets fired for a tweet that his wife made, not him; a UCLA professor was suspended for refusing to cancel a final exam and deemed insensitive and racist. What is going on here?
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It just seems like a bunch of young people to me doing what they have a natural desire to do. It would be nice if they were a little wiser about what they’re doing but, that’s not who they are. Democrats are usually sympathetic to young people like that because what they see are a bunch of young Democrats.
I don’t watch news, so I’m completely unaware of this. While I respect the peaceful protest going on in this country and painfully bothered by the death of George Floyd and his brothers testimony to Congress, again I’m not a political person and rather skeptical of all politics.

I think what happens in situations like this, is the well intentioned people are derailed by the either ill intent or the ignorant intent of those who are not stakeholders ie the theoretical types who aren’t themselves directly being harmed. Then on top of that you have political leaders who through I’ll intent or ineptitude exploit these people or elevate these people. Overall, detracting from the original message and the original well intended people.

Again, that Democrats can be racist and hypocrites is obvious. That they could be intentionally dropping the ball on leadership to further oppress and alienate is possible. All I know is I live in Southern California, but I lived in Northern California for a year near Silicon Valley and the whole place creeped me out. San Francisco creeps me out. Although I do like Manhattan, just wouldn’t want to live there. The tech industry creeps me out.

Not to dig on your state because I’m sure you know the area and live in a good reasonable part, but I would never want to go north of Central California ever again. Again, there are stupid proposals in California I hear from elected leaders that are not related to police abuse but I largely feel it’s just bluster.

I think if people want to stay true to the cause they have to stick to police abuse. But again, the peaceful protests could be a beautiful moment ruined by rich and privileged kids (that’s how I would have written it in my twenties, I write it now for emphasis and sarcasm)
You’re way overthinking this. The world is not Seattle, this is unlikely to happen in every city, and it’s not really an issue of how a Dem vs a Repub would handle a mob. I agree with the comment that this is just a bunch of young people doing young people stuff. Whatever is going on between the city council member and the mayor there is a power struggle between the two of them; Seattle is not the first city to ever have a radical council member and it won’t be the last.

Unless you live in Seattle, where local events are of direct concern to you, I’d suggest maybe turning off the news for a while.
To my knowledge, no Democrat is pushing back against this. It is no secret that the Democrat party has become very influenced by the Socialists in their party
Especially at the national level. I see the party breaking in two.
Why should anyone vote for a Democrat if they can’t even push back on this for fear of being called racist or whatever?
Because not every Democrat is running for president.
Does this concern any Democrats out there? A mob mentality has descended upon this nation where anti-white racism is apparently OK
I’m only part white (what my people would call a “breed”), and when I hear something as absurd as a woman saying that white people saying they’re not racist makes them racist, that concerns me.
OK; a professional soccer player gets fired for a tweet that his wife made, not him
I know, and being an American soccer fan, I actually called MLS on their hypocrisy on claiming to support diversity, but then not supporting a diversity of opinions. I told them to donate to Pine Ridge. Still waiting for a response. Although, my understanding is that it was LA Galaxy’s manager that fired him.
a UCLA professor was suspended for refusing to cancel a final exam and deemed insensitive and racist. What is going on here?
Also, under police protection.

I refuse to say “the Democrats” just as I refuse to say “the Republicans”. Too many people make too broad of generalisations between those groups. I’ve said multiple times, that Democrats in the south can be different than the national party. John Bel Edwards, the governor of Louisiana, is pro-life, for instance. I remember some people thinking the invasion of Iraq was a Republican thing, you know, ignoring the Democrats that voted for it, and the Republicans that didn’t.
With this whole thing, I don’t know what’s going on, but it needs to stop. Disagreeing with someone doesn’t make you a racist. Being white, black, yellow, red, or anything in between, doesn’t making you a racist. Hating someone because of a trait they can’t help makes you a racist. Luckily, the cure for racism isn’t more racism.[](http:// MIT BRENNENDER SORGE)
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Sorry to say I don’t have any hope for this country. Pessimistic? Sure but I consider it realism.
Wow! So, a wife makes a controversial tweet, and her HUSBAND gets fired? Punishing someone innocent for what another person has done. What ever happened to basic, fundamental fairness? That’s the kind of thing that makes me crazy. Injustices like that.
I’m afraid I have to agree with you. We’ve been heading in that direction for awhile.
And while we’re busy fighting each other, China watches…

Outlook Not Good
Nothing good happens in a plague year, and we are in one.

If the majority of reasonable citizens weren’t taking cover from the COVID19 virus, they would not have let the mob take over their town.

All that can be done is to wait the chastisement out.

And while we’re busy fighting each other, China watches…

Outlook Not Good
You must think China has a lot of time on its hands to sit back and snicker…
China’s got problems all day and all night that we can’t even dream about and won’t know about for 100 years. I’ve seriously considered devoting an entire year to just praying for China and Chinese.
Seems like more and more news articles are posted on CAF just to bash Democrats.

Are these articles being posted by multiple people about actual discussion? Or are they about pulling another fast one on the Catholics who are Democrats?
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Or are they about pulling another fast one on the Catholics who are Democrats?
Or are the Democrats pulling a fast one on Catholic voters.

Their policies are mainly anti-religious. Catholics need to look beyond abortion and see the entire hedonistic lifestyle being pushed by the Democrats.
And which party was it that didn’t want to censor the internet of porn? I’d call that a “hedonistic lifestyle” and that was Republicans because we should have “freedom” to decide what we watch. Two sides to every story.
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Yesterday’s mistakes don’t justify the extreme push the Democrats have taken to remove God from public life

It is only a matter of time before they take God off their platform for good.

Their is only one pro-life Democratic politician left, 2 just lost their primaries. The writing is on the wall. The DNC is catering to the “Nones”
At least one of them won the primary! In Georgia I believe it was and he was the incumbent (so expected) but still a landslide!
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One out of how many Democrats?

This isn’t the Democratic Party of yesterday when abortion was rare and work was seen in a godly virtue.

Today they are the “proud” party of the “nones”
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