Anyone going to see Father John Corapi this week-end?

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I can’t wait to go and listen to him in Buffalo. A group of us are going…:bounce:
I wish all my CA friends could come and join us…!!! ❤️

Will let you know how it was…he will be speaking on John Paul the great’s encyclical on the Eucharist1 May the angels protect him and all who are going from any evil! :angel1:
I wish all my CA friends could come and join us…!!! ❤️

Will let you know how it was…he will be speaking on John Paul the great’s encyclical on the Eucharist1 May the angels protect him and all who are going from any evil! :angel1:
HEY I am going!!! Let’s meet up!!!
Any one else??? Shoshana and I are gonna try and meet up. God willing.

Can’t wait! :dancing:
My husband and I considered going but it’s going to be just a little too pricey I think for us right now. And that decision was made before the gas prices went up :bigyikes: ! (we live in NY but Buffalo is still like a 3 hr drive.) Man I’d love to go. You guys will have to tell us all about it. :yup:
Any one else??? Shoshana and I are gonna try and meet up. God willing.

Can’t wait! :dancing:
Jen is bringing her fruit hat and I am bringing my pet camster! 😃 We should be very visible! Oooops, must wear our CA t-shirts! Have ya got one, Jen?
Just come back from Fr Corapi’s conference. :bounce: We had Holy Hour to start the evening off. :bounce: And you should’ve heard what he had to say…am taking notes and will transcribe them when the conference is over for all of you! :bounce:
Just come back from Fr Corapi’s conference. :bounce: We had Holy Hour to start the evening off. :bounce: And you should’ve heard what he had to say…am taking notes and will transcribe them when the conference is over for all of you! :bounce:
You mean we have to wait:crying:
You mean we have to wait:crying:
Lisa, it is 1:21AM and I still have to make the chicken salad for my day there to-morrow and for a group of us. It is too expensive to eat out twice in one day. I am sorry…BUT…Lisa this priest did not mince his words. And the worse part of it is that he talked and acted like a prophet so much more tonight. There is some forebording in his words. He is crying for the States particularly because he is from there and the disasters experienced by 911 and Katrina. His words were just slicing through us…because I also know he is talking to the whole world and not only to the States…more to-morrow…:bounce:
Lisa, it is 1:21AM and I still have to make the chicken salad for my day there to-morrow and for a group of us. It is too expensive to eat out twice in one day. I am sorry…BUT…Lisa this priest did not mince his words. And the worse part of it is that he talked and acted like a prophet so much more tonight. There is some forebording in his words. He is crying for the States particularly because he is from there and the disasters experienced by 911 and Katrina. His words were just slicing through us…because I also know he is talking to the whole world and not only to the States…more to-morrow…:bounce:
I will check in and see and exercise my patience;) 😛 I believe he is a prophet he reminds me of Saint Paul.I am looking foward to your report.Did you meet up with any of our brothers and sisters from CA?
I will check in and see and exercise my patience;) 😛 I believe he is a prophet he reminds me of Saint Paul.I am looking foward to your report.Did you meet up with any of our brothers and sisters from CA?
I will meet up with Jen to-morrow as she could not go tonight. Now, I will say night night…and I will pray for all of my brothers and sisters at CA before the Blessed sacrament…👋
Hi everyone! I was so blessed to experience Father John Corapi! What a holy man, what a prophet! I am sure he boomed in everyone’s heart for what was said. What shocked me though, he had to have bodyguards there (and anywhere else he goes) :eek: because he always has death threats. :eek: When he signed my merchandise, there was this big burley fellow watching over him. He has 5 of them! :eek:

There was much prayer and eveything else. I got to meet up with Jen. She is as beautiful as I thought she was. It was a strange feeling in one way to meet up with someone you have never seen and yet, you know and feel that we are family!

Anyway, here are the notes I promised. I did the best I could do…without ever having to learn shorthand!

Father John Corapi conference Friday, Sept 9, 2005
  • He stretched out His arms as a baby to Mary and Joseph, to the world. He did it again on the cross out of love.
  • It grieves me very much to see what is going on today.
  • We are seeing in living color the price of sin.
  • You cannot spit in God’s face and get away with it.
  • Actions have consequences.
  • God chose to send His very Son He loves to perfect Him, to purify Him, to bring him closer to Himself.
  • The world pays a price for infidelity.
  • We have evicted God in society, in schools, and in government.
  • The Catholic Church is very sick in Her members.
  • Behind all the physical evil, there is moral evil. Sin.
  • The world has a death wish and it needs Life Himself. The human mind is made for Truth.
  • Jesus is the antidote for this death wish.
  • These are troubled times.
  • The arrogance of the US—there will be abject poverty after many calamities.
  • Many, hopefully, will come to the Truth through trials.
  • God is tempering us, purifying us.
  • The violent take the kingdom of heaven spiritually. We must do violence to one self. No to sin/yes to grace.
  • Pray the rosary every day.
  • There is always time with God, We can change the course of time.
Saturday September 10

· Pray for our priests.

· Sin is a cancer.

· Everyone wants to go to heaven but live like they want to go to hell.

· God doesn’t send anyone to hell. He just confirms.

· There is no mercy without repentance.

· Education is a journey into the Truth.

· Some are educated in imbecility.

· Be simple and humble.
· Mary is a short cut to Jesus.

· I am redeemed but I’ll be saved when I get there.

· Saying the Rosary is a :vocal prayer

:a meditative prayer

: a contemplative prayer.

· We pray the rosary because we love the Gospel.

· Bring your life into those mysteries.

· Praying the rosary is praying to Jesus—you internalize Him.

· Ask God to give you the grace to love Mary.

· Jesus does not want His mother to be insulted.

· When Mary speaks, God listens.

· Love your mother because she loves you.

· Pain can be instructive if redeemed.

· Pain sometimes is sent by God.

Raymond Arroyeo speaking on Mother Angelica.

· Mother Angelica has a theology of risk.

· Do the ridiculous so God can do the miraculous.

· Mother Angelica—mother of Catholic Radio

· It’s doing nothing when you’re afraid, that is the problem.

· Mimic her holy recklessness.

Father Corapi:
  • There is only one Priest, Jesus Christ. A priest enters into His priesthood.
  • He enters into Calvary and makes it present.
  • You don’t advance unless you get it right.
  • The priest performs the Sacrifice at Mass. He is taken up in Christ as sacrifice.
  • Gift of celibacy breathes spiritual life into the Body of Christ.
  • Priests should be transparent.
  • With every gift, there is a commensurate responsibility.
  • Power of the Eucharist will effect unity.
  • All the errors of the world is the priests’ fault…if they are holy, the world is holy. We will not have protection from evil.
  • So the priests, so the world.
  • No priest, no Eucharist.
All the errors of the world is the priests’ fault…if they are holy, the world is holy. We will not have protection from evil.:eek: He needs to give these talks everywhere!!! Who is threatening him? Satan wants him gone I am sure. If I were a big burly man I would protect him. I am going to add him to my daily Rosary intentions.
All the errors of the world is the priests’ fault…if they are holy, the world is holy. We will not have protection from evil.:eek: He needs to give these talks everywhere!!! Who is threatening him? Satan wants him gone I am sure. If I were a big burly man I would protect him. I am going to add him to my daily Rosary intentions.
Hi Lisa,

From what he said, he gets death threats wherever he goes…the man is powerful with the Holy Spirit and add to that his deep, booming voice. I have never, never experienced such a powerful priest and prophet! Never! I am not saying that there are not any holy priests out there…I’m just saying I haven’t heard such a prophetic priest! The first talk was the most unsettling. He had a holy anger…against all the US is doing against God. The way I took it when he said the US, I took it for my own country. He yelled that you can’t spit in God’s face and get away with it. There are to be so many more ugly stuff that will happen. He compared this to the OT calamities. He said that 911 and Katrina is only the beginning…we must build up our soul like Marines build up their endurance.

I wish I could’ve written his whole talk and his work on tapes and CDs are expensive…:o . I couldnto afford to buy his stuff and the book on Mother Angelica (which was #28 on Amazon in just 3 days). His talks shake you.

He kept saying that there si no mercy without repentance. This priest tells it like it is. I love him, I love him, I love him! I asked him if he would ever come to Canada, as, he has already. I would like to know what he charges…

Lisa, I am still shaken by what he said. The funny part is this talk came right after the Holy Hour 9there was intermission, mind you). I believe the Holy Spirit slammed us like we have never been slammed before! I could go on and on…

Btw, Father Groeschel is speaking at St Luke’s in November. This is another priest that says it like it is (in his books anyway). I guess I will planning another conference to go to…😃
Here is my report on Fr Corapi.

It was a blessing to meet Shoshana. What a beautiful woman and blessed soul. And I concur with her that it was odd meeting a person that you feel you already know. Very cool!

(Thanks for the compliments Shoshana - you are way tooooo kind!)

I was blessed to have brought my friend with me who is returning to the church after being a Baptist for 25 years. He is very confused about our devotion to Mary and had commented to me several times about my “tendendy” to worship Mary ( I have icons, statues, prayer cards and a few poster sized paintings of the Blessed Mother all over my house ).

Fr. Corapi spent time addressing our Catholic devotion to Mary which completely cleared up my friend’s misconceptions. He felt Fr. Corapi speaking directly to his heart.

Fr. Corapi did have his big burly body guards about him. Very sad that he needs to have that kind of protection.
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