Anyone here overcome scrupulosity?

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One of the the things that helped me the most was advice I received:

“Be patient with yourself”

It helped me tremendously. I just one day realized that God understands what I am going through, and I shouldn’t expect to be completely rid of all sin and sinful desire overnight. I realized that this thing would take time, maybe years, and that I just needed to go about daily life and not worry about what might happen tomorrow, and focus on today, and what is going on right now. Just be patient with yourself, let God do his work within you.

Another thing that helped was not paying so much scrupulous attention to my emotions. I realized that my emotions and feelings are not a good representation of a given situation. Even though I felt an action or decision might be wrong, doesn’t just make it wrong.

I also HIGHLY recommend this book:

Not long, easy read, and super helpful. One of the best lessons this book taught me was the idea that we are only expected to obey our certain conscience. That is to say that you are only to avoid what you know is for sure sinful, not anything and everything you think “might” be sin.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I would be glad to chat with you. I know this can be VERY hard and you can wake up every day thinking you are helpless and hopeless. I KNOW how you feel.

God bless you.
Thank you, Micciloi. I’ve experienced the four points you listed above as well, to some extent. I will pray for you as you try to break free of it this year – little by little, changing your mindset, seems to be manageable.
You’re welcome. It’s hard. But we will get through this. Let’s offer it up above. Also, this phrase from 10 commandments for scrupulous helps me:

“The confessor may command the scrupulous to conquer their anxiety and disregard it by freely doing whatever it tells them not to do."
Thank you, Micciloi. I’ve experienced the four points you listed above as well, to some extent. I will pray for you as you try to break free of it this year – little by little, changing your mindset, seems to be manageable.
You’re welcome. It’s hard. But we will get through this. Let’s offer it up above. Also, this phrase from 10 commandments for scrupulous helps me:

“The confessor may command the scrupulous to conquer their anxiety and disregard it by freely doing whatever it tells them not to do."
Thank you for reminding me about that book :. I have actually read it and wholeheartedly agree with your recommendation. It’s by far the most helpful book I have read on the subject.
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