Anyone know a good prayer

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Greetings! Does anyone know a good prayer to help you to fall asleep?

My sister has a terrible time falling asleep. She is one of those worry-worts who thinks of everything bad that is going on in the world and in her life when she tries to go to sleep. She can go to bed early and still be awake at 1:00 a.m. She’s a mother of a 4-year old so she really needs her rest.

Any suggestions?

Thanks and God bless!

Sure - start saying the Rosary in bed. I guarantee you will fall asleep!!
Tell her to simply say “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph pray for us, and please send your angels to watch over me and my family. Amen.”
When I have trouble sleeping I pray for all my friends and family, each individually, in whatever challenges or needs they have.

If I’m still awake, I start thinking back throughout my life to all the people I’ve known, worked with, lived near, etc., and ask God to bless them.

If I’m still awake, I go through the alphabet and ask all the saints I can think of for each letter to pray for us.

If I’m still awake, I pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for whoever is in most need of God’s mercy and grace at that moment.

If I’m still awake, then I get up and read!
The Rosary or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. 99% effective with my head on a pillow (rarely make it through a decade) and especially helpful if my mind is preoccupied with fractious leftovers from the day or worries about tomorrow. Settles me down. If I am awake at the end of whichever I chose, I thank God for my sleeplessness and offer it up. I assume it’s because I am supposed to pray for someone and offer my prayers for him/her and start over again.

(I also will often go get a little ice – well wrapped – to put on my forehead because I am likely, at this point, to have a bit of a headache. Somehow the coolness also lulls and soothes me.)

The alphabet and the saints is a good idea. I like that!
The antiphon and Nunc dimittis from compline:

Ant. Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in His peace. (alleluja)

Lord, now you let your servant go in peace;
your word has been fulfilled;

my own eyes have seen the salvation
which you have prepared in the sight of every people:

a light to reveal you to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel.​

After that, another vote for the Rosary. (And when she falls asleep, her Guardian Angel will finish it for her 😉 :angel1: )

I truly understand how fear can hinder sleep. At those times, I used to pray the words of assurance from Ps. 127, “Unless the Lord guard the city, in vain does the guard keep vigil. It is vain for you to rise early, or put off your rest, you that eat hard-earned bread, for He gives to His beloved in sleep!”

Then I would mentally picture God’s angels guarding my home, after I prayerfully expressed faith in this promise of the psalm, and I asked Him to protect me from nightmares and “give to His beloved in sleep.”

:sleep: Carole
Amen Carole!

Sleep is no problem to a soul that trusts in the Lord…a washing line is a good place for such a soul to sleep!😃

God Bless you always and much love and peace to you

Sleep is no problem to a soul that trusts in the Lord
Actually, Teresa, your comment reminded me that sometimes there are, indeed, biological reasons why someone is not sleeping well. (I know from personal experience as I have neurological damage from an overexposure to chemicals.)

Perhaps your sister, Deanna, might have something physically affecting her sleep. Has she seen a doctor? Sometimes there are hormonal issues or other health problems. Might be worth checking into.
Actually, Teresa, your comment reminded me that sometimes there are, indeed, biological reasons why someone is not sleeping well. (I know from personal experience as I have neurological damage from an overexposure to chemicals.)

Perhaps your sister, Deanna, might have something physically affecting her sleep. Has she seen a doctor? Sometimes there are hormonal issues or other health problems. Might be worth checking into.
Hello there Didi

Yes you are right, a person out of common sense who has prolonged sleep problems should see their doctor. Sleep problems can perists because ironically a person can become over-preoccupied with not sleeping.

In any event a prayer to help a person sleep is the first step, to call upon the Divine Healer, Christ Jesus, but to also know that God created physicians to help people also!

It’s a matter of common sense.

It seems this person who the poster has posted about has a habit of pre-occupation with dwelling on the negatives of life and I would advocate for such a soul to begin to apply trust in the Lord and His Providence. To ask for and develop a trust in the Lord so no matter what event is present in life, no worry happens over it because God allows things for a reason, nothing happens without a reason and God will have final say and Providence over the whole world, our worry is therefore futile.

Some of this habit of sleeplessness and worry can depend on personality. But all personalities being present in our Lord Jesus Christ and all to the good, can and shall be formed in His Image.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

When I have trouble sleeping I keep repeating in chant from the Divine Mercy:
“Holy God…Holy Mighty One…Holy Immortal One
have mercy on me
and on the whole world.”

Works almost every time…
Praying night prayer right before you sleep is good. In it you ask the Lord to you protect you throughout the night. Rosary will usually result in peaceful rest.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I will pass them on to my sister.

God Bless,

She could pray Numbers.

…and Bob-jake begat Sam
Sam begat Phil
Phil begat Hooha
Hooha begat yadda-yadda
She could pray Numbers.

…and Bob-jake begat Sam
Sam begat Phil
Phil begat Hooha
Hooha begat yadda-yadda
Hahaha…good one Trelow. That’s a daunting book to say the least. By the way, your mug ain’t so ugly.


YOU DO NOT NEED SOME SPECIAL AND EXOTIC PRAYER. The most Catholic prayer is the Our Father.

About 40 years ago I learned this was the prayer that Jesus taught the Apostles when they ask how to pray.

Also I was taught to pray the “Our Father” saying each word separately. Pause between each word. Why pause?

Pause to reflect what that word meant. Pray with meaning not superstition. For instance when you say “OUR” ,. you may think that God is ths God of all, not just you.
Hahaha…good one Trelow. That’s a daunting book to say the least. By the way, your mug ain’t so ugly.


Some of it’s great, but I’m afraid Moses and I are going to have a little go around.

Thanks, but the camera was intoxicated, so it made me look better.
Night Prayer or Compline just before turning out the light is a good way to end the day in a quiet & relaxing way. After the light is out and you are relaxed the Rosary is a good way to drift off into peaceful sleep. I seldom get through a decade before I am out. Just remember to pray the Rosary at other times too – when you are wide awake and alert and can concentrate on all the mysteries and get through all the decades!
Old saying, “If you can’t fall asleep, don’t count sheep. Talk to the shephard!”

God bless,
Deacon tony
Deacon Tony560:
Old saying, “If you can’t fall asleep, don’t count sheep. Talk to the shephard!”

God bless,
Deacon tony
I LOVE that saying Deacon Tony! I will remember that one forever.

Thanks and God Bless.
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