Anyone know why sports seem so popular than nerdy pursuits?

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Because to me athletic stuff shouldn’t be as important and many jock types remind me of those who used to bully me for being a nerd in school and took my lunch money. I feel that academic pursuits should be more focused on, plus it may not be every athlete or sports fan,but most seem kinda dumb. Like they don’t know about stuff like history or such or know about any books.
Not long ago, you were posting asking if it seemed like nerdy things had become popular or mainstream.

In any case, why worry about it? If you’re a nerd, great, be a nerd. If you’re a jock, great, be a jock. In the end, we’re all people, and those labels are all peripheral to who we really are, namely children of God made in his image. Don’t let it be such a distraction for you. Be who you are and be that well.

Question: are the richest people in the world athletes or nerds?
Sports are social and they serve a couple of latent functions in a society. Their inclusivity wether joining the game or joining the fandom is key to their popularity. I’m not extremely moved by sports, but those seem like logical reasons they are popular.
Because jocks are better at marketing themselves
What you are saying stops being true post-high school. In college, the frat boys become the new jocks, and, after that, nobody cares.
Because to me athletic stuff shouldn’t be as important and many jock types remind me of those who used to bully me for being a nerd in school and took my lunch money
You’re allowed to have an opinion, but it’s pretty clear that you’re biased.

Claiming all jocks are jerks is about on the same level as people who think all priests are child molesters. There are a percentage of jocks who are bullies and a percentage of jocks who are reasonably decent guys who enjoy playing sports or are hoping to get scholarships that they need to attend college.

Sports are popular because
  • they are a social activity
  • people like competitions of all sorts - including Academic Challenge, debate contests, history bowls, spelling bees, etc if you want to encourage “nerdy pursuits”
  • they have appeal across a broad spectrum of ages, so alumni can enjoy watching the games
  • they inspire support for the schools and, to the extent the school relies on alumni or community monetary support, people will often donate or otherwise support a team
In any event, if you don’t like sports, don’t participate in them, and participate in and foster activities you personally like. Donate to a scholarship fund, join a book discussion club, whatever. You are free to ignore sports but you need to let other people have their preference. Nobody cares that you think athletics “shouldn’t be as important”, they will like what they like regardless of your opinion.
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It is not either or. Some people can do both. In any case, just do what you enjoy nothing wrong with that.

There are plenty of wealthy nerds. And there are many many poor jocks.

The richest kids in my high school class (Class of 1975) are the nerds–the Top Ten. All of us have good jobs (not rich, but fairly secure), and the one male nerd in my class not only has a six-figure income, but in his 40s, married a gorgeous woman who still looks like a movie star.

Meanwhile, most of the jocks live in low-brow trailer parks near swamps and eke out a living. Seriously!

As for extremely wealthy nerds–Steve Jobs (R.I.P.) comes to mind. And all the top execs of Fortune 500 companies. And that guy who started up Starbucks (Schultz?).

IMO, the richest people in the world are the criminals–the heads of syndicates or mobs. And I would rather be poor then be one of them.
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IMO, the richest people in the world are the criminals–the heads of syndicates or mobs. And I would rather be poor then be one of them.
At least according to Forbes, the wealthiest people in the world tend to be in tech and retail. The major exceptions would be Warren Buffet, the Koch brothers, and (sort of) Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg L.P. is a mixture of tech and media). Granted, I doubt we know exactly how wealthy certain criminals are. At least according to this site, though, the wealthiest criminals in history had $25 billion net worth. Those two would be just barely out of the top thirty on Forbes’ list.
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Most jocks are jerks? Well, I guess that depends on how you define “jock”. If the qualification for being a “jock” is to be on a high school sports team (bowling, winterguard, and chess excluded) then I would have to say a resounding “no”. If your definition of jock is one who is entitled to slack off academically and misbehave because the school sports team can’t do without them and is given unfair favors and privileges because of their athletic ability, well then you can imagine that most of the young men brought up that way end up being entitled little jerks. But how common is that, really?

I went to a very large, public high school. Athletes were required to meet a standard of at least consistent mediocrity in order to play. There were more than enough students that nearly any sports star could be easily replaced. They had to start making the grade in middle school in order to be on those teams, so not much time was invested in students who they expected were just going to be benched in high school, due to bad grades. Bad behavior was also not tolerated. In a school of 3000+ students, everyone was expendable and teachers felt no pressure to pass athletes or refrain from disciplining them. Also, the families that could afford the cost of being on these sports were generally the same ones who considered school work and citizenship at least moderately important. So, we didn’t have many “jocks”. I took nearly all honors classes and there were many athletes in my classes. In fact, there was a recent photo taken at one of our reunions of a group of ten women who had been on the varsity cheer squad the year we graduated and all of them went into nursing, which is a very strenuous course of study. It was posted on our alumni facebook page.

In short, I think it really depends on the school’s community. If athletes are pampered and given unfair privileges, they probably will be jerks. If not, they could turn out to be hardworking and moral citizens.
That depends on the sport honestly, I know a lot of nerds who like baseball. Baseball is after all a thinking man’s sport if you ask me. (I love baseball)
Ironically, the poorest people in the worlds also tend to be in retail.
Actually, a retail worker in the U.S. making $7.25 an hour and working an average of 20 hours a week is making a lot of money relative to the rest of the world, at least in income. The problem, though, is living in the U.S., where that money doesn’t go very far.
I think how far money goes in a given location is part of the equation regarding whether people are poor. Most retail workers are generally paid little for whatever country they live in.
Most of the athletes I know also do well academically.
A lot of the so-called nerds I know are average or better at sports events.
I’m sure more guys would watch chess if it had quarterback sacks, bone crunching linebacker–running back collisions and cheerleaders.
That said, I love football and shooting my cowboy guns, and I’m a member of Mensa and pretty good at chess. I know plenty of others like me, too. Kind of messes up the narrative, eh?
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