Anyone out there who has hope in Universal Reconciliation in the future?

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I adore Jesus, I am Catholic, I believe everything the Church teaches, and I am anxious of hell. Now, I have very bad over-scrupulosity, coupled with some bad sinful habits, so please try to be sensitive to this and not want me to burn because I suggest such things. I’m very fragile when it comes to this stuff, even to the point I want to die so I don’t sin anymore. I literally can’t stand the thought of losing God forever. However, I’m going to suggest some things based off the teachings of a Universalism thinker that made some good points and, to my knowledge, did not directly conflict with Church teaching. The guy’s name is Thomas Whittemore.

‘God is the Creator of all men. “He hath made of one blood, all nations of men, to dwell on all the face of the earth.” Acts 17:26 He would not have created intelligent beings, had he known they were to be forever miserable. To suppose that God would bring beings into existence who he knew would be infinite losers by that existence, is to charge him with the utmost malignity. The existence itself would not be a blessing, but a curse; the greatness of which cannot be described. As God is infinite in knowledge, and as he sees the end from the beginning, he must have known before the creation, the result of the existence he was about to confer, and whether, upon the whole, it would be a blessing; and , as he was not under any necessity to create man, being also infinitely benevolent, he could not have conferred an existence that he knew would end in the worst possible consequences to his creatures.’

And there are 99 more proofs this guy gives based on the holy scripture. Now, I beseech you, go easy on me. I’m at the point where I want to die so I don’t sin anymore.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church makes a good point: that anything is possible with God, and that God desires to save all men. My thoughts are that God’s desires will come to pass, one way or another. Does anyone else have similar viewpoints? And if not, please, no need to tell me “they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” or anything like that. I can read. I’m just looking for those that believe "the former things (death, mourning, pain), will pass away.
I applaud you for seeking advice and counsel. I can only advise you to seek professional help if these fears are greatly disturbing you. Begin with your priest for spiritual direction, but it may be more involved than that. Our God is a God of peace, and He will provide a path for you to seek it.
Reading that you want to die so you don’t sin anymore is concerning to me. You should never want that. The Lord has us live here on Earth for a purpose. It’s part of His plan. You should not want to shorten His plan and gift of life to us. If you are seriously having these thoughts, please seek help. Please do not take your life. Everyone here loves you as a brother/sister in Christ. I will say a prayer for you.

May The Lord bring you love, peace & joy in this life while you seek to become holy.


God is love and you are precious to Him.

As long as we are on this planet we can use our free will to love and glorify Him.

I agree with the other posters.

May our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother lead you on your journey to Him!
Hello Estel.
Hello,…And there are 99 more proofs this guy gives based on the holy scripture. Now, I beseech you, go easy on me. I’m at the point where I want to die so I don’t sin anymore…
If you are suicidal you need to get help for yourself. If your ideations of suicide include the thought that you may escape Hell via a Universalist stance towards your acts, you are mistaken. Do not accept Universalism. If the only thing preventing you from acting out on your suicidal ideations is the knowledge you have about the eternal punishment you will incur by self-murder, then hang on to that and GET SOME HELP!!! And look upon the Universalist theology as nothing short of a temptation against faith straight from the devil. He’d love it if you committed suicide while believing you’ll escape Hell for it via Universalism. It is a very extremely dangerous theology for anyone who has a mental illness that precludes suicidal ideations in any form.

If on the other hand, you are feigning a suicidal outlook on life in order to effect the dialog here regarding Universalism, shame on you. Folks who DO have suicidal thoughts and struggle with Depression as a mental illness do not need you using their plight and infirmity in such a way so as to win sympathy from others for your Universalist tendencies.

But back to the idea of suicide as a way to get out of sinning anymore because you say you suffer with scruples. Your self-revelatory descriptions indicate that you need serious help from persons in the field of mental health. Get some. It is incumbent upon you as a Child of God to take steps to preserve yourself and have your mental health issues addressed. Folks here at CAF cannot give you that kind of help and if you parade your symptoms here, you could attract to you persons who will try to take advantage of your dilemmas and manipulate you. Please get some help.

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