Yes, this is actually spot on, very perceptive. I came to believe Nietzsche was a sort of an emotional, spiritual cripple. He wanted to overcome suffering, life’s adversity, injustice, meaningless, with strength, to be like a fortress, to engage the beauty and joy of life with both the body and mind, with laughter, honesty, courage, friendship to the bitter dark end. But to overcome suffering by not suffering I don’t think is possible and stay human. You have to reject compassion, love, forgiveness - that is all ‘slave morality.’ The last thing Nietzsche did while still coherent (he was mad for the last 11 years of his life) was run out of a restaurant where he was dining and embrace a horse that was being beaten by its owner in the street which he had seen out the window. Nietzsche, in tears, buried his face in the horse’s neck and was led home that evening, insane. I like to think he finally met Christ in an act of love. Compassion. It was probably the most decent thing he ever did.