Anyone speak Latin?

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Just wondeirng. I’ve always thought that Latin, especially since our founding fathers spoke it, is a really cool language. Can anyone translate some things for me?
Just wondeirng. I’ve always thought that Latin, especially since our founding fathers spoke it, is a really cool language. Can anyone translate some things for me?
Oh, oh, a student that wants us to do his/her homework!:tsktsk:

Now, how do I know it is probably a high school kid or a college student? The word “cool” reveals a lot!

Antonio :nope:
I wouldn’t say I speak Latin, but I know a little.
Just wondeirng. I’ve always thought that Latin, especially since our founding fathers spoke it, is a really cool language. Can anyone translate some things for me?
Try me. 👍
Antonio B:
Oh, oh, a student that wants us to do his/her homework!:tsktsk:

Now, how do I know it is probably a high school kid or a college student? The word “cool” reveals a lot!

Antonio :nope:
Hey, I’m 58 and I still use “cool.” I’ve even been known to throw in a “groovy” once in a while. :cool:

Just wondeirng. I’ve always thought that Latin, especially since our founding fathers spoke it, is a really cool language. Can anyone translate some things for me?
Watcha got?
No, we don’t even have Latin in my school. I speak Spanish. I know they are really similar, but I think “cool” is an all-right adjective for it. lol

If you don’t mind,
*For the glory of Christ
Fight for the glory God.
Hey, I’m 58 and I still use “cool.” I’ve even been known to throw in a “groovy” once in a while. :cool:

Dear Lord, grow up!😃
Veni, vidi, velcro
I came, I saw, I stuck around
who studies Latin, but has little opportunity to speak it
I think he wants the following slogan translated to Latin:
My Latin is more a passive than an active thing, but here’s my best shot:

For the glory of Christ: Pro gloria Christi (Pro takes the ablative)

Fight for the glory of God: Contendere gloria Dei

If you want this in the imperative rather than just the infinitive version of the imperative, you would say: either Contende (singular) or Contendite (plural)
No, we don’t even have Latin in my school. I speak Spanish. I know they are really similar, but I think “cool” is an all-right adjective for it. lol

If you don’t mind,
For the glory of Christ
*Fight for the glory God. *
This is a guess.

pro gloria Christis
pugnare pro gloria dei
This is a guess.

pro gloria Christis
pugnare pro gloria dei
Yo! Jimmy! Let’s fight grammar. Christ has to be genitive and Christus is second declension, so it’s Christi.

I avoided the word “pugnare” because of it’s “pugnacious” nuance. I chose “contendere” – struggle because it allows for both outward (pugnacious) and inward fight. And with the ablative you don’t need the “pro” – although it is not incorrect to include it as you did. I used it in the first sentece because without it, it is unclear that the phrase is not simply: “the glory of Christ.”
Pax Nobiscum - Peace be with us.
Packs Nobiscum - Our luggage be with us
Pax Nabisco - Oreos be with us

I avoided the word “pugnare” because of it’s “pugnacious” nuance. I chose “contendere” – struggle because it allows for both outward (pugnacious) and inward fight.
Just for another option, the Vulgate uses *certo,certare * in 2Timothy 4:7 for Paul’s assertion that he has fought the good fight.

If you don’t mind,
*For the glory of Christ
Fight for the glory God.
I posted offering to translate, then forgot - oops! :rolleyes:

So here’s an alternate for * For the glory of Christ* :

Ad gloriam Christi (lit. toward the glory of Christ)

It has the connotation that Christ’s glory is the intended purpose of your action.
this is more common:
A.M.D.G. Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam For the greater glory of God!
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