Anyone speak Latin?

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Yo! Jimmy! Let’s fight grammar. Christ has to be genitive and Christus is second declension, so it’s Christi.

I avoided the word “pugnare” because of it’s “pugnacious” nuance. I chose “contendere” – struggle because it allows for both outward (pugnacious) and inward fight. And with the ablative you don’t need the “pro” – although it is not incorrect to include it as you did. I used it in the first sentece because without it, it is unclear that the phrase is not simply: “the glory of Christ.”
I was thinking that Christ was a third declension noun.:whacky:

My Latin is not very strong right now though.
So here’s an alternate for For the glory of Christ :

Ad gloriam Christi (lit. toward the glory of Christ)
This is a really good thought, Perry. It occurrerd to me also as I was nodding of to sleep last night. Between my version “Pro gloria . . .” and yours, I would probably choose yours: “Ad gloriam . . .” because this construction implies movement in a positive way.
Avete omnes 😃

Mihi gustat lingua latina, sed lingua patria mea est lingua hispanica.

Allright… I don’t write in perfect classical latin, but see… I don’t like the classical way to write latin, so you’ll have to deal with that hehehe… Anyway I’m still learning 😛

My name is Carlos, I’m from Spain and I like latin a lot, so if anyone wants to practice latin just tell me. We can have a little conversation by email in latin. I believe the best way to learn a language is using it. That’s how I managed to learn english… 🙂

Valete omnes… Deus vobiscum sit! 😃
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