AP Poll on Roe vs. Wade Flawed

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By Sarah Kupelian

A recent Associated Press survey showed a surprisingly large percentage of Americans in favor of upholding the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision, but the poll question itself was misleading, telling respondents Roe legalized abortion only in the first three months of pregnancy – rather than throughout the entire nine months.

According to the poll, conducted Nov. 19-21 by Ipsos-Public Affairs, 59 percent of Americans want President Bush to nominate Supreme Court justices who would uphold Roe v. Wade. Some 31 percent of respondents wanted new justices who would overturn the decision and 10 percent were unsure.

The question posed by Ipsos on behalf of the Associated Press was as follows:

“As you may know, President Bush may have the opportunity to appoint several new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court during his second term. The 1973 Supreme Court ruling called Roe v. Wade made abortion in the first three months of pregnancy legal. Do you think President Bush should nominate Supreme Court justices who would uphold the Roe v. Wade decision, or nominate justices who would overturn the Roe v. Wade decision?”

In reality, Roe v. Wade struck down all laws restricting abortion in all 50 states, in effect legalizing abortion throughout the entire nine months of gestation.

According to the Roe decision, during the first trimester abortion is legal; after the first trimester and until “viability” the state may regulate only issues such as who will perform the abortion and where it will be performed. Even after viability, the state cannot prohibit a woman from having an abortion if it is deemed necessary for the preservation of her health – “health” being characterized by the court as including mental, psychological and financial well-being.

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