As a life long Catholic, I enjoy the fellowship in our church and embrace the Liturgy of the Mass. However, when I read the apologists statements to explain some of our traditions I am confounded.
I have studied hard and long to know my faith and am amazed at the lack of understanding within our church. Not only of Scriptures, but of our own teachings. There are many traditions in the church without full sanction of canon and only loose reference to the origins. Yet many cling to these legends as if they were “The Way, The Truth, and the Life”. There are abundant resources available to the church which are available to study and find the truth within our faith. We only need seek it out, instead of saying, that someone told me. We are accountable for what we know. If you are not sure, study in earnest and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Many times, to make a point, Catholic apologists take scripture out of context, or draw conclusions to try to make it fit. And then have the nerve to say that the original texts have no value in the understanding of these Scriptures.
As Catholic Christians we have an enormous benefit in the Traditions of our church and the Scriptures to guide us. It would be beneficial to examine from the view of knowing the truth, NOT proving your point. That way the Holy Spirit can help understand that which the human mind cannot comprehend. That way, you can read of the early church fathers teachings AND the early church teaching AND examine Scriptures with the benefit of knowing what the original text says, with out the inflection of interpretations. Imagine someone trying to understand the American English language without the benefit of knowing the duality of our words! People here and now have trouble with this inexact language, much less removed a couple thousand years. At least the ancient Greek was a very exact language.
For centuries we followed the Latin Vulgate only to find many inaccuracies in it when we had the ancient scrolls found in the Dead Sea and the Masoretic texts. More accurate translations are now helping bring clarity to what was obscure before.
Let’s remember that much of the middle ages in the Roman Catholic Church, intellectual and well educated Priests, that may or may not have had a Christian life, tried to explain difficult Traditions and Scriptures to uneducated and illiterate people. From many of the documents of Vatican II, it appears some misrepresented the accuracy of Scripture and Tradition. Let’s not undo what has taken the Holy Spirit a thousand years to accomplish.
Let me just say that the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed are the basic tenets of our faith. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to get to heaven and He had a strong disregard for those that added burden to the Jews by man made laws, i.e. Scribes, Pharisees, Saducees, etc. If it does not further the Good News of Jesus why are we arguing about it.
The hymn, “They’ll Know We are Christians by our Love”, is an oxymoron in modern Christianity. We are spending more time fighting with each other over ridiculas interpretations and traditions that we are not being the hands, feet and heart of Jesus to a dying world. Now is the acceptable day of salvation and now is the time to get to work to bring the love of Jesus to the lost.
Now is the time to stop our silly bickering and foolish boasts of who is right! We should get on our faces and repent before a Holy God and ask His forgiveness for ignoring the lost to prove we are the best. Pride goes before the fall. If we will humble ourselves and repent He will be faithful to forgive us. Then we can get on with the Gospel Mission.
I have studied hard and long to know my faith and am amazed at the lack of understanding within our church. Not only of Scriptures, but of our own teachings. There are many traditions in the church without full sanction of canon and only loose reference to the origins. Yet many cling to these legends as if they were “The Way, The Truth, and the Life”. There are abundant resources available to the church which are available to study and find the truth within our faith. We only need seek it out, instead of saying, that someone told me. We are accountable for what we know. If you are not sure, study in earnest and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.
Many times, to make a point, Catholic apologists take scripture out of context, or draw conclusions to try to make it fit. And then have the nerve to say that the original texts have no value in the understanding of these Scriptures.
As Catholic Christians we have an enormous benefit in the Traditions of our church and the Scriptures to guide us. It would be beneficial to examine from the view of knowing the truth, NOT proving your point. That way the Holy Spirit can help understand that which the human mind cannot comprehend. That way, you can read of the early church fathers teachings AND the early church teaching AND examine Scriptures with the benefit of knowing what the original text says, with out the inflection of interpretations. Imagine someone trying to understand the American English language without the benefit of knowing the duality of our words! People here and now have trouble with this inexact language, much less removed a couple thousand years. At least the ancient Greek was a very exact language.
For centuries we followed the Latin Vulgate only to find many inaccuracies in it when we had the ancient scrolls found in the Dead Sea and the Masoretic texts. More accurate translations are now helping bring clarity to what was obscure before.
Let’s remember that much of the middle ages in the Roman Catholic Church, intellectual and well educated Priests, that may or may not have had a Christian life, tried to explain difficult Traditions and Scriptures to uneducated and illiterate people. From many of the documents of Vatican II, it appears some misrepresented the accuracy of Scripture and Tradition. Let’s not undo what has taken the Holy Spirit a thousand years to accomplish.
Let me just say that the Apostle’s Creed and Nicene Creed are the basic tenets of our faith. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to get to heaven and He had a strong disregard for those that added burden to the Jews by man made laws, i.e. Scribes, Pharisees, Saducees, etc. If it does not further the Good News of Jesus why are we arguing about it.
The hymn, “They’ll Know We are Christians by our Love”, is an oxymoron in modern Christianity. We are spending more time fighting with each other over ridiculas interpretations and traditions that we are not being the hands, feet and heart of Jesus to a dying world. Now is the acceptable day of salvation and now is the time to get to work to bring the love of Jesus to the lost.
Now is the time to stop our silly bickering and foolish boasts of who is right! We should get on our faces and repent before a Holy God and ask His forgiveness for ignoring the lost to prove we are the best. Pride goes before the fall. If we will humble ourselves and repent He will be faithful to forgive us. Then we can get on with the Gospel Mission.