I am sorry I am not as dedicated a poster as some of you. It appears that I have stuck a stick in a hornets nest with some of you.
One example of the apologists I mention is from Volume 15 #5 of the magazine This Rock. "pologetics for the Scripturally Challenged"written by John Martignoni. I find this article to be flawed in many ways.
I would love to spend countless hours posting on this site but I am very busy and find it hard to add to the rest of my life. The reason I posted in the first place was because I read Mr. Keatings e-letters and the CatholicAnswers web site and this article just pushed me to a rant. My apologies to all you dedicated posters, I am ,maybe, an occasional poster. I am not a protestant red herring, I have been a Catholic all my life. Attended CCD as an elementary schooler and Catholic High School. I am active in my parish and have had the privilege of serving in many capacities. I am a student of our faith and have spent a good portion of my adult life studying all I can read from many viewpoints. I have learned a lot, and expect to continue to do so.
Once in a while I let things get the best of me an have a good rant, this was one of those times. I will not fence with my Christian brothers and sisters but hope that this will instead cause you to continue your study so that we can reach the lost with the Good News.
One example of the apologists I mention is from Volume 15 #5 of the magazine This Rock. "pologetics for the Scripturally Challenged"written by John Martignoni. I find this article to be flawed in many ways.
I would love to spend countless hours posting on this site but I am very busy and find it hard to add to the rest of my life. The reason I posted in the first place was because I read Mr. Keatings e-letters and the CatholicAnswers web site and this article just pushed me to a rant. My apologies to all you dedicated posters, I am ,maybe, an occasional poster. I am not a protestant red herring, I have been a Catholic all my life. Attended CCD as an elementary schooler and Catholic High School. I am active in my parish and have had the privilege of serving in many capacities. I am a student of our faith and have spent a good portion of my adult life studying all I can read from many viewpoints. I have learned a lot, and expect to continue to do so.
Once in a while I let things get the best of me an have a good rant, this was one of those times. I will not fence with my Christian brothers and sisters but hope that this will instead cause you to continue your study so that we can reach the lost with the Good News.