Apologise, Afghanistan tells China after busting its espionage cell in Kabul

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Apologise, Afghanistan tells China after busting its espionage cell in Kabul​

Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security has detained 10 Chinese citizens accused of operating a terror cell in Kabul
INDIA Updated: Dec 25, 2020, 10:11 IST
Shishir Gupta Hindustan Times, New Delhi

Afghanistan has busted a 10-member Chinese module operating a terror cell in the capital city of Kabul, according to diplomats and security officials in the West Asian country. The crackdown has come as a huge embarrassment for Beijing, which has been trying to persuade the Ashraf Ghani government to hush up the case, people familiar with the matter in Kabul and New Delhi said.

The 10 Chinese citizens, detained recently in this connection by Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (NDS) on charges of espionage and running a terror cell, are believed to be linked to China’s spy agency, Ministry of State Security. The crackdown by the NDS started on 10 December.

This is the first time in years that Chinese nationals have been caught spying in Afghanistan where the country was looking at rapidly expanding its influence even as the US withdraws its troops. At least two of the 10 Chinese nationals were in contact with the Haqqani Network, the terrorist group that doubles as the sword arm of the Taliban, a senior diplomat in Kabul said.

Could be an important story. Some say this is China aiding terrorists.

On our side, General Spalding is on twitter and warns of the dangers we can face concerning the Chinese,

Good guy: @robert_spalding
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If I were president, I’d form an alliance with Russia, Turkey, India, all NATO members, and anyone else who wants to knock the evil regime down a few notches.

Russia especially ought to see the writing on the wall. They are on the list as well. Just further down the list.

The time for all of this post cold war cat and mouse game with Russia is past due to end imo.
Just saying, Turkey and Russia would rather side with China. Russia still has enough nuclear weapons to stay relevant too.

In my opinion, when we go to war with China, India is our best option.
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