Apology Given for Prayer

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Principal apologizes for reading internet prayer over intercom to students.

Another public official with a spine made of rubber.
I think there are better things to get worked up about than that so-called internet prayer. I’ve seen it, and I don’t like it at all. It has lies in it, it exaggerates horribly. It degrades and de-humanizes school children. It makes it sound like all children are bad. I don’t think they are, quite the opposite in fact. I’m uplifted at some of the wonderful things I see from our youth today. Did you see how packed the arenas were when the Pope visited the US? Also, you should see the prayer groups that are formed in Public schools. Now that is the kind of prayer we should be supporting. In my son’s public high school, you should see the children who, on their own, formed a prayer group, and they start the day, ever day, with prayer - that is the kind we should be supporting - they are really doing good.

The sad thing is, the same people who get all worked up about wanting that “so called internet prayer” allowed in school would probably have a cow if it were a “Hail Mary” that he had said instead.
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