respectfully, you say here: “The body is grown “around” and for a particular soul.”
- this statement suggests that the soul came first and does seem to conflict with your above statement that the soul if formed by the genes. So which is it: is the body grown around the soul - the soul came first - or do the genes form the soul. It cannot be both.
Unless you mean something different that I’m not interpreting (?)
Maybe it is just my non-Aquinian mind, but I see no contradiction.The issue I take with this is that people’s souls are not disabled. Disease itself is an evil. Every soul is not born evil. So souls are not disabled. Souls are hindered
As I understand Church teaching, human Body and Soul appear together at the onset of life; one by the biological process, the other as a “breathing” from God (Hebrew: neshamah). There is then no “body” per se, only an embryo, but the body (head, limbs, etc) grows around the soul.
But the soul is not fully formed either. It has to “learn” to think and to know, to feel, etc; at birth, the mind is empty and the conscience unformed, etc. Soul faculties of mind, will, conscience etc. form inside and grow with the body.
It’s not either or, but both and.
And once growing with the body, the soul will be directed by the conditions of that body’s life. At the roughest level, maleness and femaleness **are **soul deep, though these attributes originate in the genes. Someone born to an “alpha male” body will likewise have a different life geometry, and soul formation, than a differently-bodied male. Racial skin differences certainly direct the life and so indirectly form the soul.
The soul does not become “disabled” per se (although its functions can be distorted by a dysfunction of the brain), but it **is **likewise shaped by overcoming, or failing to overcome a bodily disability.