If the world is contingent, how else can it exist than by a completely necessary cause?
But how does one establish contingency? And how does one establish cause? And can they possibly be the same thing?
Aquinas’ Third Way argues that among the things that exist, there is only one thing that is necessary to exist, and that is existence itself. He argues that there must be something, rather than nothing. But the form that that something takes (
You, me, and everything else), isn’t fixed. They aren’t, in and of themselves, necessary. The form, he argues, could be something other than what it is. So Aquinas’ Third Way argues that the things that exist are contingent upon existence itself. But ultimately, it’s only existence itself, that’s necessary. You, me, and everything else, aren’t necessary. And because our existence isn’t necessary, it’s possible for us to exist, or not to exist.
But what the Third Way doesn’t do, is argue that existence itself is the cause of the form that that existence ultimately takes. Basically it’s not an argument for causation at all, but merely an argument for contingency.
Now a scholar of Aquinas might agree with this, that it isn’t the purpose of the Third Way to argue for causation, but rather it’s the First and Second Ways that argue for causation. The question then becomes, can the first cause, and the necessary cause, be one and the same thing?
I would argue that they can’t. Because if they’re one and the same thing, then the first cause becomes a necessary cause. And accordingly, it becomes a fixed cause, because if it wasn’t fixed, then it could be this or that, and which one it was, would be contingent upon something. And if it’s contingent upon something, then it’s not the necessary cause, which isn’t contingent upon anything.
On the other hand if the first cause is indeed the necessary cause, then it’s effects (
You, me, and everything else) are fixed. Which means that it’s not possible for us, not to exist. Which means that we must exist. Which means that we’re necessary, we’re not contingent.
I would argue therefore, that the first cause, and the necessary cause, can’t be the same thing.