EWTN airs “Life Is Worth Living” on Saturdays at 6pm Eastern, 5pm Central and on Sundays at 5:30am Eastern, 4:30am Central.i am seeking some info re: ABFJS but first…my saintly grandmother watched him religiously [no pun] and she was my inspiration. i am reading his book, LIFE OF CHRIST and especially the last part as part of my YBLE [your best Lent ever]…we have a local retired priest in Orlando that i thought would be a great TV personality much like Bishop Sheen but alas, he is 80 and not willing to DO IT AGAIN… this priest has some terrific tapes on DEATH AND DYING though…
MY QUESTION: i wrote to EWTN trying to get a schedule for Archbishop Sheen on their channel but never received a reply. anyone know where to get it? thanks and God bless…
It also airs on TCC Fridays at 9am and Saturdays at 10am.