Archbishop of Canterbury : " I don’t mind if Anglicans convert to Catholicism. "

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It is thought either a traumatic brain injury stemming from concussion in the fall or a veneral disease literally affected the mental capacity and judgement of this king. He was quite a different man as a younger man. He also had unhealed , and very painful ulcers throughout his life.

This king did persecute the Catholic Church in UK.

@Tis_Bearself, India is a country with growing Vocations to the Priesthood, and missionary Priests.
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That is true but the Catholic Church seems to be very much in the minority there. The ones they do have are certainly enthusiastic though
I sometimes worry what will happen when Africa begins to develop and secularize. Perhaps by then the Church will have taken hold in China, which could produce enough priests to keep us going for another 100 years.
I don’t think I will be walking the earth by the time either thing happens though, so I guess it will be future generations’ concern.
Don’t worry. I think it’ll take a long time for Africa to develop and secularize in the way Europe and North America have. And there’s no guarantee that they’ll ever secularize. China is a developed country, and they’re embracing Catholicism by the millions, even under persecution!
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This truly sounds delusional
No more delusional than deciding that he was the head of the church . . .
Now, had one of her sons lived to young adulthood (at least) I seriously doubt he would have split from Rome.
Ultimately, he seemed driven up by conclusion that there would be a civil war of secession if he died without a legitimate male heir. (History did prove him right on this particular issue . . .)

China is a developed country, and they’re embracing Catholicism by the millions, even under persecution!
There’s nothing like a persecution to suddenly get everybody turning back to the Church. Humans are perverse that way. Tell them they can’t go to Mass and they’ll go beat down the doors. If they have Masses readily available all over the place, they can’t be bothered.

I guaranted you that during the decade and a half when I wasn’t going to Mass, if the US government had outlawed Mass I would have been the first one protesting and risking arrest to get into a Mass.
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It’s huge in India, and growing.
Such a blessing to have a healthy number of Vocations from India, various countries in Africa, and in Korea and the Phillipines.
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