Forgive me for not joining the appeal but I seem to have misplaced my tin hat - perhaps Archbishop Vigano has one to speare?
In all seriousness though, the idea that the virus has been somehow concocted (or even over hyped) by “the powers that be” in order to bring about some sort of all-seeing all-knowing all-powerful all-world government would be laughable if it wasn’t so incredibly offensive to those suffering at this time. This is anything but business as usual, it is far from just the usual flu problems. It is however, a full throated crisis - leading governments to make decision which, in ordinary circumstances, would be unthinkable but are now considered entirely sensible. Perhaps the good Archbishop, living as he seems to under a rock, somehow missed the overwhelmed hospitals, the exhausted medical professionals and the refrigerator trucks of bodies? The irony is that, if anything the very response to this crisis which Vigano complains of - restrictions of movement, the closure of shops and business - are themselves evidence of the reality whcih he seems to have missed. No sane politician would ever even consider such drastic steps - given their dire economic impact - unless the alternative was even worse. Certainly, this was what prompted the belated about-turn on the part of the UK government. Indeed, the lack of unity amongst nations in their response also points to the opposite conclusion to that which Vigano asserts - surely those seeing to establish this new world order would be able to (and in fact would be required to) achieve some sort of coordination in terms of their tactics!
Perhaps instead of investing his energies into this petition and engaging in tweet wars with Cardinal Sarah (who himself it would seem managed to wake up and smell the coffee - or should that be coronavirus?) the Archbishop might instead like to offer his services ministering to those still in hospital from the virus in Italy- after all, if it’s as overhyped as he claims, surely he has nothing to fear!