Archbishop Viganò: Plans for a New World Order must be ‘unmasked, understood, and revealed’

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It is clear that there is a deep fracture among the Hierarchy, and the Appeal has let us all see this. Proof of this can be seen in the clearly globalist basis for the Pray for Humanity Day set up by the Committee for Brotherly Fraternity in the United Arab Emirates to ask for an end to the pandemic, to which the Holy See immediately gave its approval.

This trend, recently ratified in the Abu Dhabi Declaration, clearly draws its inspiration from the relativist ideology behind masonic thought. As such it has absolutely nothing Catholic in it, and it is extremely worrying that the Church has allowed itself to be used as “Outreach” by the New World Order (which is absolutely and utterly anti-Catholic).
Archbishop Vigano’s statements are getting weirder and more confusing as time goes on.

I have to say that I am beginning to wonder if there is an ulterior motive behind this and also about his mental state.
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He loves Jesus’ Church and…
I am an old man and will be appearing in front of the Good Judge before too long. My silence would make me complicit with the abusers and lead to yet more victims. I know that I am motivated by these concerns, and God knows it. I cannot worry about what others think about my motivation.
It is clear that there is a deep fracture among the Hierarchy, and the Appeal has let us all see this. Proof of this can be seen in the clearly globalist basis for the Pray for Humanity Day set up by the Committee for Brotherly Fraternity in the United Arab Emirates to ask for an end to the pandemic, to which the Holy See immediately gave its approval.
Praying together is a bad thing?
There is also this to consider: First, I don’t believe English is the Archbishop’s native language, right? So what we are getting are translations, and things taken out of context, and also perhaps a lack of seeing the nuances of idioms and such. You know how in English we speak of things like “Raining cats and dogs” and obviously don’t literally mean Fido and Fifi are falling from the air.

Also, consider that if the Archbishop is correct in his judgment of forces of evil out there, wouldn’t those forces be trying their utmost to ‘confuse’ things? To make it look as though the Archbishop is ‘confused’ would be a perfect strategy; first you question the ‘messenger’s motives, then his ‘sanity’, then you can feel free to ignore the message. . .if you understand me.
Thé forces of evil have always been with us and will remain until the second coming. We are no better, nor any worse than our predecessors. In some ways we have even improved, such as rooting out slavery, and systematic discrimination based on race, gender, etc. It is still a work in progress though.

I pray the psalms daily in the Liturgy of the Hours. That and a reading of some of Saint Paul’s writings should make it obvious that we really haven’t changed that much. The only difference is that technology permits us to head to our perdition at warp speed, but we’ll get there anyway whether by horse and buggy, a slow train or aboard the Concorde (RIP most beautiful airliner in the world), if we are not watchful of our own behaviour.

I just don’t share Vigano’s doom and gloom. We all have to be on guard against our own personal sins, but in many ways we have made great strides socially and at applying technology for the greater good in medicine and communications to cite two examples.

We all have morsels of divinity in us but also shards of evil. It is each Christian’s duty to be on guard so the former can dominate the latter.
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Well hindsight is always 20/20 but foresight. . .not so much.

One does wonder if for example in the decade prior to the Great War (WWI) there was not the same view: after all, one saw technology: Cars, planes; electricity was not just for the rich anymore, the Civil War and reconstruction were in the past, much of the West was settled, all kinds of social progress including 8 hour work days, the abolition of child labor, even the advancement for women’s sufferage. Would most people have imagined not only a world war but a decade following called in reference to the lost generation, the rise of eugenics, the revolution in the USSR, etc?

I would imagine that those who spoke in say 1903 in less than ecstatic terms of society and warned of evils that were arising would have been, ahem, told that every era had its problems and not to worry, surely in a new century full of technological progress there was nothing to fear beyond the ‘usual’ human mixture of good and evil.
Forgive me for not joining the appeal but I seem to have misplaced my tin hat - perhaps Archbishop Vigano has one to speare?

In all seriousness though, the idea that the virus has been somehow concocted (or even over hyped) by “the powers that be” in order to bring about some sort of all-seeing all-knowing all-powerful all-world government would be laughable if it wasn’t so incredibly offensive to those suffering at this time. This is anything but business as usual, it is far from just the usual flu problems. It is however, a full throated crisis - leading governments to make decision which, in ordinary circumstances, would be unthinkable but are now considered entirely sensible. Perhaps the good Archbishop, living as he seems to under a rock, somehow missed the overwhelmed hospitals, the exhausted medical professionals and the refrigerator trucks of bodies? The irony is that, if anything the very response to this crisis which Vigano complains of - restrictions of movement, the closure of shops and business - are themselves evidence of the reality whcih he seems to have missed. No sane politician would ever even consider such drastic steps - given their dire economic impact - unless the alternative was even worse. Certainly, this was what prompted the belated about-turn on the part of the UK government. Indeed, the lack of unity amongst nations in their response also points to the opposite conclusion to that which Vigano asserts - surely those seeing to establish this new world order would be able to (and in fact would be required to) achieve some sort of coordination in terms of their tactics!

Perhaps instead of investing his energies into this petition and engaging in tweet wars with Cardinal Sarah (who himself it would seem managed to wake up and smell the coffee - or should that be coronavirus?) the Archbishop might instead like to offer his services ministering to those still in hospital from the virus in Italy- after all, if it’s as overhyped as he claims, surely he has nothing to fear!
As I said in another thread, as time goes on I trust what Vigano says less and less.
There is also this to consider: First, I don’t believe English is the Archbishop’s native language, right?
There may be something to that. Perhaps that explains the use of trite, cookie-cutter terminology like globalist, Masonic, relativist, etc. The article sounds like a Jack Chick conspiracy tract.
Depends on who you put your trust in. If you trust the mainstream media, then yes, Vigano looks and sounds like a “conspiracy theorist.” If you don’t trust the mainstream media and have the time to look at some of the stuff being said around the country by the proponents of the quarantine measures you may stop thinking that this is a theory and start thinking there is actually something going on.

One thing is for sure, Vigano is a proponent of reestablishing the Mass and the Sacraments to the public which as a Catholic I am all for. I support this man because he stands up for the faith. Its really easy to write someone off because they sound crazy…but you know what? how many people do you think thought JESUS himself was crazy…you shall know them by their fruits…
Depends on who you put your trust in. If you trust the mainstream media, then yes, Vigano looks and sounds like a “conspiracy theorist.”
I may not trust mainstream media completely, but I do trust it a lot more than all these alternative right and left media blogs that now proliferate on the internet. But in the end, I will stick with what the Catholic Church says through the Pope and my bishop.
Lol and it’s interesting that those who tell us we can’t disagree with Pope Francis are all in on calling a bishop crazy and what not. Pope Francis is older than Bishop Vigano so I guess his mental capacity can be called into question.
I understand your hesitancy to look into the alt media platforms, but it stems from a greater problem which is internet censorship. Social media is now controlled entirely by one side. Because of this, many are silenced and that honestly is not very reassuring when you think about what kind of information you are being presented with. If one side is silenced because they do not agree or comply that’s a one sided conversation or in other words a dictation lol…(not a conversation at all).

Makes it really hard to trust anyone…in my opinion its got the footprints of the evil one all over it.
That why I like to stick with only what the Church says about the Church through Catholic organizations and legitimate Catholic lay apostlates.

And, by the way, I like to ignore opinion pieces from all sides, though I will use them for their links if the provide original source material.

Back to the subject, I would point out that globalism originated with God, the actual creator of the globe, and will end with his globalism. As all of the recent Popes dealt with both the positive and negatives of globalism, it should never be considered a Catholic boogeyman.
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I agree completely, especially when Vigano is one of the few bishops who will vocally stand up for the sacraments and the Mass. I think many Catholics are confused about these times, even more so in who they should follow. I will always respect Pope Francis as he is my pope, and yet he frustrates me by being overly ambiguous in a time where Catholics especially adolescents and young adults (like myself) need a strong leader and father figure…one who clearly leads us on a path to Heaven.

Though I’m not surprised that we are now reaping the rewards of the past 70 years with all the clergy abuse, weak and faithless teaching, etc. It’ll get better but I do believe what we are experiencing is a minor chastisement, just like in the old testament when priests did bad things.
One thing is for sure, Vigano is a proponent of reestablishing the Mass and the Sacraments to the public which as a Catholic I am all for.
This is a moot point as the dioceses are all in the process of getting their public Masses and Holy Eucharist back as they reopen.

Jesus didn’t go around talking about world conspiracies. He talked about our personal relationships with the Almighty.
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Ok, but we’ll see this fall. Fauci said the disease would come back around the end of fall/start of winter.
Well the Pope doesn’t throw around terms like “masonic” “New World Order” “relativism”?

Just “cookie cutter terms” as another poster so aptly named the rhetoric.
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