Archbishop Vigano creates a Francis bashing website

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It is typical of what I call postwar syndrome. According to this logic, Westerners must constantly apologize for the crimes their ancestors committed against indigenous tribes and various minorities inside Western countries, in name of eliminating all “fascist” attitudes. On the other hand any amount of evil in other cultures must be tolerated, because criticizing them would be “fascist”. It is very sad to see the pontiff succumbing to such a mindset.
Francis’ excessive regard for the feelings of Muslims and Pagans is a typical progressive attitude. Now my theory is that progressivism is the reversal of fascism:
-fascism is white supremacy, progressivism goes too far with anti-racism
-fascism exalts violence and ruthlessness, progressivism is pacifist and overly empathic
-fascism represses minorities, progressivism lets them do what they want

And then there is normal Catholicism, with its Aristotelian attitude of “golden mean”.

I don’t want to bash Francis though, many times I liked his teachings. Besides, I don’t want to think like a Protestant.
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