Archbishop Wilton Gregory will not deny Biden Communion

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I see the new Archbishop of Washington DC has declared he will not deny Joe Biden communion.
Biden isn’t just pro abortion he fosters it and is completely at odds with the teaching of the church. How is this not scandalous? How can he (Biden) publicly admit to encouraging this abomination and leading people to sin and be considered in a state of grace?
This is another example of why so many people no longer care about church authority and say the church has lost its credibility as a determining factor of right and wrong.
Is it not hypocritical to deny non catholic believers the Eucharist yet give it to someone like Biden who is so public in his rejection of church teaching?
What has Mr. Biden actually said or done in regard to abortion?
As far as I can tell, he isn’t any more pro-abortion than previous democrat presidents were.

Personally I think it’s for the best that the Catholic Church tries to stay apolitical. Taking stances on policies is just fine, but officially endorsing a politician - or telling people they’ll go to hell for voting for a different politician - only weakens the Church in the long run by eroding it’s core message.

“But Joe Biden is a sinner!”, some may say, and to that I say that he’d be right at home in mass because the Catholic Church is a church of sinners. I don’t say this as an insult but a reminder of our theology - God literally had to die to save us from ourselves and His first Pope denied Him thrice out of fear of a child.
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What has Mr. Biden actually said or done in regard to abortion?
Joe Biden as Vice president and will as president reinstate the Mexico City policy and fund abortion overseas.

Joe Biden when Vice president and as president will reinstate Title X funding for abortions.

Joe Biden as president may do away with the Hyde amendment and fund all abortion, that remains to be seen but he did promise to do so if elected.
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As far as I can tell, he isn’t any more pro-abortion than previous democrat presidents were.
Only one of them claimed to be Catholic, so I doubt most of them were presenting themselves for Holy Communion.
I think your time would be better spent minding your own business. You aren’t privy to everything about Joe Biden, including the state of his soul.
Affordable care act, repeal hyde amendment, “Reproductive rights are a constitutional right. And, in fact, every woman should have that right.”

From his plan:
  • Stop state laws violating Roe v. Wade. Biden will work to codify Roe v. Wade , and his Justice Department will do everything in its power to stop the rash of state laws that so blatantly violate Roe v. Wade .
  • Restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood. The Obama-Biden Administration fought Republican attacks on funding for Planned Parenthood again and again. As President, Biden will reissue [guidance] specifying that states cannot refuse Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood and other providers and reverse the Trump Administration’s [rule] preventing these organizations from obtaining Title X funds.
  • Restore the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate in place before the U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision.
Oh, and Planned Parenthood endorsed him…
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That isn’t anything new. The fact of the matter is that you don’t know, so spend your efforts working on your own issues instead of getting all worked up over something that isn’t your business. You don’t have a complete picture of this man, and you are judging. Not sure why you are reluctant to call it what it is. There is a reason the Church has a hierarchy, including bishops, and doesn’t leave these things to the court of public opinion.
Not this strawman again.

Canon 915 is not intended to judge the state of anyone’s soul. It provides norms for the external forum, hence the conditions that the grave sin be manifest and that the person demonstrate obstinate persistance.

And it binds the minister of Holy Communion, not random strangers in Internet forums.
Just out of interest, are you Catholic? Because it is a basic Catholic teaching that those in obstinate, public sin, should not be distributed the Eucharist. It’s not about judging others, just seeking that Church teaching is upheld in all situations.
If all Catholics who believed in choice or had abortions or used birth control were denied communion, I wonder how many millions of men and women that would cut from communion?
Well, birth control alone would knock out most American Catholics. Add a few other teachings to that list and you will get the rest.
That is the Bishop’s job, though. Way above the pay grade of anyone here, unless you are a Bishop, of course.
Not really, that’s not how Catholicism works. Catholic teaching is accessible and understandable by all Catholics, and Catholic are allowed, and in some cases obliged to question the actions and decisions of their Bishops, especially in cases where souls may be harmed or scandalised.
Big waste of time, being a busy body. I have a full understanding of what the Church teaches, also.
It’s really nothing to do with being a busybody - calling our shepherds to a certain standard is a totally acceptable and actually a good thing to do. In this case it concerns both the Bishop and Mr. Biden’s souls. Catholics would be negligent to ignore the situation, or any other like it.
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Big waste of time, being a busy body.
How many people are being led down the wide path by the hedonistic lifestyle being pushed by Biden and the Democrats?

For the church to ignore his actions and endorsements is scandal and does damage to less informed Christians
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How many people are being led down wide path by the hedonistic lifestyle being pushed by Biden and the Democrats?
Perhaps rather ask how many are being “led down the wide path” that otherwise wouldn’t be on that path already, whatever Biden or any other Democrat had to say.

I don’t know the answer to that, but I would hazard a guess that the relative number is miniscule.
If all Catholics who believed in choice or had abortions or used birth control were denied communion, I wonder how many millions of men and women that would cut from communion?
Well, birth control alone would knock out most American Catholics. Add a few other teachings to that list and you will get the rest.
People using contraception are not supposed to be receiving communion, and I think deep down in their heart of hearts, many of them know that. Please note as well, that while precise figures are elusive (and I realize some people do not like polls because, according to them, “you would have to interview everyone individually”), very few people go to confession anymore, whereas practically everyone goes to communion. “Don’t want to confess it but don’t want not to confess it”, could that ever be true, maybe?

Scripture has very strong words about receiving communion unworthily.

Please elaborate on “a few other teachings”.
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Please elaborate on “a few other teachings”.
None were meant specifically. My point was that virtually all Catholics disagree with the Church on something, with birth control being the most prominent example. Of those American Catholics that both agree with the Church on BC AND follow that teaching, it is nearly certain they have some other area where they disagree with the Church and/or fall short of the Church’s teachings.
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