Are aliens God? (serious help only)

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Scott Waddell:
Well, if you want to get nerdy God created the world, but he is not from the world, so in that sense He is an extraterrestrial.

It all comes down to faith. The mind can create all manner of hypotheticals. At some point you are simply going to have to trust someone–and then trust them completely. It is as if I was on top of a burning building and below is Our Lord Jesus saying, “Jump! I will catch you!” Now I can create all kinds of doubts in my mind. Can He really catch me? Is He just playing a joke where He runs away at the last second? Is He an imposter who borrowed his fire-saving-schtick from someone named Mithra? Is He really even there at all? Meanwhile since it is getting pretty intolerable in the flames I say ok and jump. Whether or not He can catch me kind of becomes His problem at that point.

Trust Our Lord completely. We all have doubts and concoct all kinds of alternate explanations. But they are like the white noise in your radio which you need to tune out to hear the music.

actually, that’s called blind faith. If everybody just relies on their emotions to decide what religion to be in, then of course very few people will convert, becuase many times people are emotionally attached to their first religion. you have to base your faith on something, and then, when you belive God is there, you trust in his commandments and acknowledge He knows better than you.
Box Car Racer said:
:o what exactly are the epistles and where do you find them?

Epistles are letters and you can find Paul’s letters in the Bible. They are located after the acts of the apostles. Think Corinthians, Ephesians, Etc. I just love reading Paul’s letters because he was so passionate about his faith. God Bless 🙂
Box Car Racer:
actually, that’s called blind faith. If everybody just relies on their emotions to decide what religion to be in, then of course very few people will convert, becuase many times people are emotionally attached to their first religion. you have to base your faith on something, and then, when you belive God is there, you trust in his commandments and acknowledge He knows better than you.
Yes, this is a good point (although I don’t think I invoked emotion really, at least not intentionally.) I was going for the simpler answer and let the conversation move to more elaborate filling in of the details.

Box Car Racer:
actually, that’s called blind faith. If everybody just relies on their emotions to decide what religion to be in, then of course very few people will convert, becuase many times people are emotionally attached to their first religion. you have to base your faith on something, and then, when you belive God is there, you trust in his commandments and acknowledge He knows better than you.
Yes, this is a good point (although I don’t think I appealed emotion really, at least not intentionally.) I was going for the simpler answer and let the conversation move to more elaborate filling in of the details.

It’s at Falcon.
Ssssshhhh. Falcon is called Schriever now. We keep changing the name just to confuse the aliens. 😉
Dear the oneders:

You are not the first, nor the last, to have entertained this idea: I did during my university years as a student of the physical sciences.

It is serious enough that some people spend all their life trying to know the “unknowable.”

If you are bent on pursuing, in an intelligent manner, this enigmatic question, you may start by reading Erich von Daniken’s “Chariots of the Gods.”

Is it science or charlatanism?

Either way, your faith will be tested and I hope you will come out of it strengthened as I did.
Once and for all, aliens cannot be God, because they themselves had to be brought into existence or created. The bible says God is without beginning or end. This means he is and always was eternal. As one poster said, aliens can have godlike powers, but they themselves are not God.For God alone is eternal.
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