"Are all religions true?" A Catholic Article Says Just Saying This Doesn't Make Sense

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Well I don’t want to misunderstand the point you’re making, but you’re of the belief that all religions lead to Heaven, so long as we love each other?
No … That’s not what I’m saying.

All religions are not fully // equally – true… Some belief systems contain some truth - and the Catholic Church which IS the one true religion Teaches that It accepts what is true within them

And I am saying that any invidual who obeys God’s Command shall be accepted amongst the Sheep.

Seems counter-intuitive… yes? But it’s not …
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And let’s see what those possibilities actually mean.

You are saying that it is more likely that followers of Jesus and Buddha, after long studies, misunderstand their teachings, than that you, “White_Tree”, misjudged them.

When we formulate that in such a way, your position does not look quite as humble, does it…? 🙂

If only you had supported it in some way other than that merely apparent humility…
It doesn’t seem like a giant leap to say that the followers of any faith do not fully grasp that depths of that faith. Even the Apostles famously had a hard time understanding Jesus (see Mark 4:13, Luke 18:34). These were people hand-selected by Jesus, who knew Him personally, and spent years in His presence. They obviously were privy to far more information and had access to far more of His teachings than the tiny snippet of sermons and conversations that was later recorded in the Gospels. The Gospel accounts say a lot, but no one would claim they are a complete record of every conversation those thirteen men had over the course of multiple years.

If even the Apostles were sometimes confused, or did not fully grasp the meaning of His teachings, why would we expect the modern followers of any religion to fully understand their own religion? It seems almost self-evident that the entire modern world is in a state of religious and spiritual confusion.

But it’s unclear how an acknowledgment of that state of affairs necessarily translates to an assertion that “I, personally, understand the teachings better than the followers of those religions.” It seems just as reasonable to come to the conclusion that there are many things that all of us (including me) do not understand. And if we encounter apparent contradictions in Scriptures, we can recognize that we might not be grasping the full meaning of the message.
I’m not sure how “common” that approach is.
The “common” approach I see is more that people just decide all religions are bunk.
That is because what is truly right and truly wrong will change depending on the circumstances.
Not biblical truths. Circumstances don’t change a command by God that is applicable to everyone.

Now, God can save someone outside of a specified command given to all. For example, if a person was a victim of sexual abuse by a priest and left the faith over what happened, I truly believe that God’s mercy could extend to that individual, even though they quit believing in the Catholic Faith.

However, the truth of baptism isn’t merely applicable to those who choose to think it’s necessary and optional for those who don’t.

Slavery in the Bible, according to an understanding of the ancient near East at that time was also about servitude and in some cases was a choice by those who entered into it. The cruelty of unfair masters was punishable according to Scripture. Slavery, especially in the US prior to the Civil war was not based on biblical principles, but a misguided interpretation of slave ownership.

You’re not comparing apples to apples in your examples.
And I am saying that any invidual who obeys God’s Command shall be accepted amongst the Sheep.
Fair enough, but you’re only citing one verse and ignoring many others. Like the command to be born again (baptism) and the command to eat His flesh and drink His Blood (Eucharist). Not every Christian Faith believes in these sacraments. Some outright deny them and take a very hostile approach towards the Catholic Church.

Yet, your view suggests that only the command to love another is necessary and is all that truly binds us together in Jesus Christ. And those examples are just from other “Christian” faiths, that doesn’t include non-Christian religions who outright deny Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. I don’t see how your cited scriptural references extend to those who have no faith in Christ.
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We conveniently lose sight of the reality that we are ultimately dealing with mystery. Our images and concepts are for our own comfort. They give us a foothold. But they are all provisional. And that is true across time and culture, tru of all religious language.
Yet, your view suggests that only the command to love another is necessary and is all that truly binds us together in Jesus Christ.
Please pause before inadvertantly minimizing God’s Two Great Commands…
I’m not as much suggesting it as stating what Jesus and His Apostles Teach…
It requires meditation to fully grasp it
It does not obliterate the Church…
God’s Two Commands encompass the 10 Commandments and the Law and Prophets…

Love One Another in Action… IS the sure evidence of any who possess True Faith in Jesus…

How does one inherit eternal life? Jesus was asked that very question.

How shall Jesus remove the Goats from out of the Sheepfold at Judgement?
  • You can find those answers within Catholic Sacred Scriptures
At the Last Supper - JESUS taught this to His Apostles and therefore to us:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
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That is because what is truly right and truly wrong will change depending on the circumstances
I hate to be the one to respond with such an obvious and probably facile retort, but … is your statement truly right?

More helpful perhaps would for you to read Dr. Peter Kreeft’s refutation of moral relativism, including cultural relativism which you seem to be promoting: A Refutation of Moral Relativism [transcription] by Peter Kreeft

Our understanding of a truth should not be confused with the truth itself. At one time, people believed the Earth was flat and at a later time, round. Did the Earth change shape because of our change in understanding? At one time in our development as a society, slavery was considered acceptable, and today, it isn’t (although sadly, not everywhere in the world). Did the fundamental worth and dignity of a person change or has our understanding of that truth developed?

I don’t expect to convince you, although Dr Kreeft’s article (and the audio lecture) might. He is quite thorough in refuting moral relativism. I do hope you take time to read or listen to it. God bless you.
If even the Apostles were sometimes confused, or did not fully grasp the meaning of His teachings, why would we expect the modern followers of any religion to fully understand their own religion? It seems almost self-evident that the entire modern world is in a state of religious and spiritual confusion.

But it’s unclear how an acknowledgment of that state of affairs necessarily translates to an assertion that “I, personally, understand the teachings better than the followers of those religions.”
Yes, it does not.

Pope and bishops might not understand everything about teachings of Jesus, Dalai Lama might not understand everything about teachings of Buddha, leaders of Iran might not understand everything about teachings of Muhammad, leaders of Chinese Communist Party might not understand everything about teachings of Marx and Mao. But it is very likely that they understand those teachings better than you do. After all, they studied those teachings more.

But if you say that those teachings are really the same, when, for example, Popes say that teachings of Jesus are not equivalent to teachings of Marx, Muhammad and the rest, then you are saying that you know better.

And what is the justification for that claim? Some detailed analysis of various teachings? No. Just a further claim that you are humble. And that is neither humble, nor reasonable.

For that matter, let’s look at your claims from another side. You ask if it is more likely that there is a contradiction between teachings, or if we misunderstand those teachings. But you do not actually evaluate how likely either of those events is, misdirecting us towards false humility.

A vast majority of those founders of religions (and the like) are merely men (for example, Muhammad, Buddha, Confucius are not claimed to be anything other than men; Jesus is an obvious exception). How likely it is that all of those men got everything just right? Isn’t that pretty unlikely, unless a special divine revelation happened and was understood correctly?

Let’s look at your argument again:
The world’s major religions are so widespread because they speak to something deep and profound within man. Even if you don’t agree with a particular religion, it seems quite clear that its founder had enough insight into spiritual realities to endow its teachings with a gravitas that keeps people following them in pursuit of a deep spiritual yearning, even after centuries or even millennia.
You do not consider a possibility that some of those men only got something right. Which is actually not so unlikely, and explains the facts just as well.

And if one of them got something right, where another got that right (or if they made different mistakes), then we have a contradiction. And it does not seem to be quite as unlikely.

And, of course, noticing a contradiction is not that hard.

Now, who got what right? Did anyone get everything right? Drop that fake humility and investigate!
Should slaves be subject and obedient to unfair masters?
That mixes several questions.

Is it a good idea for the slave (or a prisoner in a concentration camp) be obedient? Usually, yes. Trying to rebel might look good from an armchair, but it is unlikely to succeed and likely to make things worse.

Is it a good idea for the master (or a guard in a concentration camp) to force slaves (prisoners) to be obedient? No.

Is it a good idea for powerful people to make it so that slaves (or prisoners in a concentration camp) would have to be obedient to unfair masters (guards), when alternatives exist? No.

In the case you cite Bible talks about first of those questions. You act as if it talks about second or third. In fact, Epistle to Philemon talks about the second question. Read it.
I beg to differ. Three people have a conversation, all three are wrong. There is another guy in the room, who is not part of the conversation, which is unfortunate, because he’s the only one that’s right.
So the question comes down to what you consider to be the “religion.” If by the religion, you mean the particular set of parables and tales that make up each of the diverse canons around the world, then yes, it is self-evident that there are contradictions between those tales.

However, if what you mean by “religion” is the spiritual truths those parables represent, then the answer becomes much less obvious.
I have to say that this is a very generous and well thought out reply. When I consider the question “are all religions true?” I think that it’s very oddly worded.

I would perhaps reply back to such a questioner by asking whether it’s likely that any major world religion teaches (mostly) falsehoods. I don’t see how that could be remotely possible. All major world religions have substantial touch points with the great transcendentals: truth, goodness and beauty. As you note, this would almost necessarily be the case for any religion that has had “staying-power” by which I mean large numbers of adherents spread over many centuries of time. There may be more, but let’s just stick with the big 5 as having had this staying-power: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

The moral codes that each advocate must contain substantial portions of truisms for people to continue to adhere to them. That is, the moral claims of the religion generally correspond to one’s moral sense within her conscience. The wisdom sayings within the religion are also judged by the practitioners as also corresponding to their own sense of wisdom, depth and profundity. And the metaphysical claims of the religion also must find traction with what the adherent senses is likely true anyway (the likelihood of an afterlife, God as an all-loving and just Father, the elevation of the interior self over the physical, etc, renunciation of self in service of something greater…).

“Are all religions true?” Very strangely worded.

“Do all religions teach a great many truths?”
That would be a better question, it seems to me. And the answer to it is obviously yes. If religion X doesn’t teach enough truths to its adherents, it won’t be able to garner staying-power.

And a rational person also must account for the huge numbers of adherents in religions that lie outside of her own particular belief-system. As in, what accounts for religion X’s success if not for its embodying of substantial truth, goodness and beauty?
That is because what is truly right and truly wrong will change depending on the circumstances.
the acceptance of the truth is acceptable depending on the circumstances… not the truth.

Killing its always wrong, that’s the truth… but depending on the circumstance of who did the killing and why will make the truth that killing is wrong changes. Specific circumstance will then make the killing acceptable but still wrong.

Slaves should be obedient to an unfair master that’s the truth… but the circumstance makes us realize slavery is wrong (thank God)… so a slave not being obedient is the acceptable truth. Slaves being obedient to an unfair master is still the truth.that doesn’t change.

That article isn’t saying other religions are the true, but what the other religions do for their people are true. The one truth of almost all religions is they are trying to enlighten, help the life of people for the better. Help them have better understanding, have hope, have answers situations in this often sad, cruel hard unfair, crazy world.

In the truth of almost all religions is it give people direction, a path to something while they live and then when they die. Hope, peace, love, that’s the part of all religions that’s truth. That’s what the article is saying IMO.
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Killing its always wrong, that’s the truth… but
War is always wrong but…
Capital punishment is always wrong but…
Abortion is always wrong but…
Artificial birth control is always wrong but…
Divorce is always bad but…
Same sex marriage is wrong but…
Joan of Arc was found guilty and burned at the stake but…

It is not easy to decide what is true and what is not because there may be additional conditions which pop up.
Oh but what is truly moral is relative to the times the culture.
God decides what is moral. Circumstances may lead to something being moral or not, but ultimately God decides. (Like David eating consecrated bread, God decided this was acceptable because there was no other food but usually it would be bad to eat it out of hunger, also like the Ten Commandments say “You shall not murder,” but God has also commanded His people in the OT to destroy enemy cities and armies as God’s just judgement ) God is Truth, this never changes, but He may decide something is moral or not depending on the circumstance. And Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He may decide that His justness be carried out in different ways depending on circumstance. As long as we Christians can agree morality is not dependent on human consent and interpretation but on God’s judgement, we’re speaking the same language.
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It is not easy to decide what is true and what is not because there may be additional conditions which pop up.
just because we accept a specific condition to change the outcome of something from being right or wrong, doesn’t change that something from become a truth to a lie.

War is wrong… but we accept they happen. We accept countries declare war on each other, doesn’t change war from being wrong to being right, just accepted because of the condition of the time and reason they declared war.

Capital punishment is always wrong… but we accept some states feel that is the only way to protect the innocent… doesn’t change Capital punishment from being wrong to right, just accepted because of the conditions at the time capital punishment is necessary.

Abortion is always wrong but… but some people accept that some women will have abortions whatever the reason… doesn’t change having an abortion from being wrong to being right.

see… what I mean. you’re saying conditions of a specific time will change a truth to becoming a lie. I say conditions of time just makes truths acceptable.

Divorce is always bad but… they are accepted because of the conditions that will make a couple to get one, doen’t change a getting a divorce from being wrong to being right, just accepted because of the condition at the time.

Same sex marriage is wrong but… ← no comment.

Joan of Arc was found guilty and burned at the stake but… not sure what you mean by this. Its true she was burned at the stake. The conditions at that time or now doesn’t change the fact she was burned at the stake.

Just because the conditions of a specific time my change your acceptance of a wrong action to being a right action doesn’t change the truth of that action from right to wrong, just acceptable.
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