Are Baptists Christians?

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Some are and some aren’t.

Are Catholics Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Pentacostals Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Lutherans Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Presbyterians Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Methodists Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are (insert the Christian denomination or nondenomination of your choosing here) Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Okay, now that we’ve got that out of our system can we move on to something else. :clapping:

God bless,
Stingray 🙂
Some are and some aren’t.

Are Catholics Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Pentacostals Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Lutherans Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Presbyterians Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are Methodists Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Are (insert the Christian denomination or nondenomination of your choosing here) Christians?

Some are and some aren’t.

Okay, now that we’ve got that out of our system can we move on to something else. :clapping:

God bless,
Stingray 🙂
Great response Stingray.
Robert in SD:
Yes, I’ve spent time debating issues with them and some are hopelessly caught up in the Jack Chick version of christianity that paints our Church as the Whore of Babylon. But although I disagree with them on matters of doctrine, I certainly must applaud their zeal for the faith - as misguided as I believe it is.

Peace of Christ.
Who is Jack Chick? I also heard somthing about someone named White, I believe on this board, who are they?
Who is Jack Chick? I also heard somthing about someone named White, I believe on this board, who are they?
these questions are off topic. If you need to know who these people are you can do a google search and find out.

these questions are off topic. If you need to know who these people are you can do a google search and find out.

It is off topic, however if so many people on this site use them as a reference I think a simple answer to the question is not inappropriate. I have heard that baptists follow these people, I have never heard of them, and just would like to know. I will google them though.
Catholicism is the very invention of Christianity. Where were Baptists in 33AD? 100AD? 200AD? 300AD? 600AD? 800AD? 1000AD? heh. It’s pretty ignorant to say “Catholics aren’t Christian.”

But, of course Baptists who follow Christ are Christians as well.
Baptists are Christian in that they received valid Baptism, but they are heretical and schismatic.
Since there are several Baptists message boards that are asking if Catholics are Christians and they are responding that Catholics or the Catholic church is not a Christian church, how do you feel about the Baptist church and faith? Are they Christians?
I just figure, if they can ask it about us why can’t we ask it about them?:hmmm:
I’ve seen that question on other boards too, but we must ask ourselves: When they use the word “christian” in that question, are they referring to the true meaning of the word? or are they implying that since Catholics don’t believe what they believe then they are not “christians”. I personally think they get all involved with themselves and forget the true meaning of the word.
Some nonCatholics may have had a serious problem with some aspects of the Catholic religion. Take for example the Catholic teaching on annulments. I saw a TV news program in which a devout Protestant lady said she had been married to a Catholic man for fiteen years and at the time of the marriage she had agreed to raise her children as Catholic which she did, and all during those years there was never any question of an invalid marriage - until at work her husband had met a younger and more attractive lady and started being unfaithful to the marriage. He proceeded to get an annulment, which she serious disagreed with, as she said it implied that she was not married during this time. She said that as a Christian she would never live with a man without being married to him, and that it was wrong for the Catholic Church to deceive her for fifteen years into believing that she was married to her husband. And there never would have been any question about the validity of the marriage, if her husband had not been unfaithful to this marriage. It never would have been brought up. A similar story was told in a book written by the wife of the famous Catholic Joseph Kennedy (the wife being a nonCatholic also). Sheila Kennedy wrote in her book that when she confronted Joseph Kennedy with her belief that an annulment was dishonest, his remark was that the Catholic teaching on annulments was just Catholic gobbledook and that nobody really believed it.
Is it not natural for an honest and faithful Christian wife, facing a situation such as this, to feel insulted by the Catholic Church? And to feel insulted by her husband and the Church who now claim that there was never a valid marriage between them, even though they had professed their vows in a Catholic Church and no question about invalidity was ever raised until the Catholic husband had been unfaithful to the marriage?
Some nonCatholics may have had a serious problem with some aspects of the Catholic religion. Take for example the Catholic teaching on annulments. I saw a TV news program in which a devout Protestant lady said she had been married to a Catholic man for fiteen years and at the time of the marriage she had agreed to raise her children as Catholic which she did, and all during those years there was never any question of an invalid marriage - until at work her husband had met a younger and more attractive lady and started being unfaithful to the marriage. He proceeded to get an annulment, which she serious disagreed with, as she said it implied that she was not married during this time. She said that as a Christian she would never live with a man without being married to him, and that it was wrong for the Catholic Church to deceive her for fifteen years into believing that she was married to her husband. And there never would have been any question about the validity of the marriage, if her husband had not been unfaithful to this marriage. It never would have been brought up. A similar story was told in a book written by the wife of the famous Catholic Joseph Kennedy (the wife being a nonCatholic also). Sheila Kennedy wrote in her book that when she confronted Joseph Kennedy with her belief that an annulment was dishonest, his remark was that the Catholic teaching on annulments was just Catholic gobbledook and that nobody really believed it.
Is it not natural for an honest and faithful Christian wife, facing a situation such as this, to feel insulted by the Catholic Church? And to feel insulted by her husband and the Church who now claim that there was never a valid marriage between them, even though they had professed their vows in a Catholic Church and no question about invalidity was ever raised until the Catholic husband had been unfaithful to the marriage?
This is an interesting question but it is off topic. Please start your own thread to discuss the issue.

I am using this thread to draw attention to the work being done by the Florida Baptists, specifically the one who are running the paper “The Florida Baptist Witness”. They deserve accolades because of their untiring work in drawing attention to the plight of Terri Schindler-Schiavo. Also, David Gibbs, the lawyer who is now working with the Schindlers is a Baptist and I want to promote the good work that is being done by him.

The reason I want to draw attention to this group is that they believe in the right to life, and they are prepared to stand up and be counted in this case. They are showing what it means to be Christian by their courageous actions, and speaking out as necessary to ensure that Terri does not die as a result of the actions of her husband.

Since there are several Baptists message boards that are asking if Catholics are Christians and they are responding that Catholics or the Catholic church is not a Christian church, how do you feel about the Baptist church and faith? Are they Christians?
I just figure, if they can ask it about us why can’t we ask it about them?:hmmm:
The old “do unto others as they do unto you”, huh?😉
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