I know not everyone is the same
And yet… you ask a question that encompasses almost a half a billion people from all culture and walks of life.
A question impossible to answer.
That’s kind of hilarious from my vantage point approaching 54.
and I think I need to settle down because the average Catholic gets married by 24 so I am running out of time.
We don’t marry because of what statistical averages say. We marry because we have a vocation and have found a partner in that vocation.
However I am worried about being cheated on or a woman saying she loves me when she actually doesn’t.
This is therapy territory. It’s not a rational fear.
I have not had a girlfriend because it is very scary
See above, irrational level of fear.
I have been very drawn to Catholic women because they would obviously share my values and I like the thought of only being with one spouse my entire life.
You get to know a woman, and through that process you discern whether marriage is the path for the two of you. You do that by dating. You aren’t going to get anywhere until you deal with the irrational fear that is hindering you from even taking a chance at meeting someone and getting to know them.
However my friend said that all women will cheat and want divorce
Well, I’ve known a fair number of men who were cheaters including two who cheated on me while we were dating seriously.
That didn’t stop me from dating in the future because I know that not ALL men are cheaters.
“ALL women are cheaters” is a ridiculous statement. If your friend had bad experiences, perhaps his woman-picker is broken and he’s making poor choices.
so I am scared that would happen.
Because one friend makes a ludicrous statement?
Go out in the world and get some experience with people. And some therapy if you are literally afraid to put yourself out there.
What has been your guy’s experience on this?
Men and women are all sinners. There are good ones, bad ones, and those in the middle.
Maintain high standards for your own behavior and expect it in your partner. I could tell day one my now-husband was a quality man who would never hurt me.