I came across this article recently - catholic.com/magazine/articles/the-limits-of-forgiveness , by Jimmy Akin. He says we are not obligated to forgive if the person is unrepentant. However, we must be willing to forgive should they repent. Since our own forgiveness requires it. I ask this question because I have never heard this before and am wondering if it is right. I always thought we were supposed to forgive unconditionally. What makes sense to me though is the statement that God would not require from us what he doesn’t do himself. Namely, if God does not forgive those who are unrepentant then he would not require us to do so either.
To quote Jimmy
To quote Jimmy
We aren’t obligated to forgive people who do not want us to. This is one of the biggest stumbling blocks that people have regarding the topic. People have seen “unconditional” forgiveness and love hammered so often that they feel obligated to forgive someone even before that person has repented. Sometimes they even tell the unrepentant that they have preemptively forgiven him (much to the impenitent’s annoyance).
This is not what is required of us.
Consider Luke 17:3–4, where Jesus tells us, “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him; and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, and says, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”
Notice that Jesus says to forgive him if he repents, not regardless of whether he does so. Jesus also envisions the person coming back to you and admitting his wrong.
The upshot? If someone isn’t repentant, you don’t have to forgive him.
If you do forgive him anyway, that can be meritorious, provided it doesn’t otherwise have bad effects (e.g., encouraging future bad behavior). But it isn’t required of us that we forgive the person.
This may strike some people as odd. They may have heard unconditional love and forgiveness preached so often that the idea of not indiscriminately forgiving everybody sounds unspiritual to them. They might even ask, “But wouldn’t it be more spiritual to forgive everyone?”
I sympathize with this argument, but there is a two-word rejoinder to it: God doesn’t.