People are already dying by the millions from air pollution but that doesn’t count because it’s too hidden.
Most who are dying from air pollution are in third world countries as the air in foirst world countries is far better. India and China are the worst polluters.
Mass floods and droughts and fires and such will do it.
Mass floods, particularly in the states in the south and south east, are due to massive building in areas that were “reclaimed”. When storms which in the past did little damage now do multi millions of damage with each storm are doing so because more and more people have flocked to those areas and built homes and businesses. Hurricanes have been hitting Florida since the time the mind of man remembereth not. And man not only remembereth not, but doesn’t learn. It is akin to building within the shake area of the San Andreas fault. There is an earthquake and your house is destroyed? Well, what did you expect?
In spite of the “gem” of a governor we have in Oregon, serious dry periods with a wind coming out of Canada at 40 to 60 mph is about a once in a century occurrence, and those who built towns, homes, businesses, etc. in heavily forested mountainous areas have lost their homes, etc. It is a tragedy, but it was a tragedy that anyone paying attention should have understood that the law of averages was eventually going to win.
And she knee jerks it “Climate Change!”
Climate, as one wag put it, has been changing since God was a little girl" (and with no disrespect to God intended - it was not intended when it was made) and will continue to change into the future, whether that is due to man-caused (name removed by moderator)ut or natural (e.g. eruptions) caused (name removed by moderator)ut.
well before she was born, the state lost some 3,400,000 acres of forests between about 1909 and 1959; actually more than that as I did not count the years in which we lost less than 100,000 acres. amazingly, it plummeted after about 1959 in large part due to better methods of putting out forest fires (planes and helicopters). But lack of thorough forest management led to the “perfect storm”.