You’re an adult & that’s all.
Do not sleep with him without benefit of marriage. You can get a single cot at Walmart and set it up to sleep in, get a sleeping bag and sleep in that or sleep on the couch.I’m sleeping with him since he has a very small house with all the rooms being used up. His household is similar to mine with his mom being very spiritual and we both understand we need to respect her rules and boundaries. She’s aware i will be staying in his room.
The world is not black and white. As it currently stands you’re all “wrong”.I’m asking if I’m in the wrong for my decision or I if my parents are for not being understanding and supportive…
You don’t know that. I would 100% allow that to prevent my adult child from a near occasion of sin. More likely, however, I’d tell my son to man up and chuck him out of the room. I guess I see things how my parents did. From the time my oldest brother started high school to after my youngest brother graduated college we always had a couch surfer…atleast once a week, if not more. In college, my cousin’s house had to be gutted because of a dangerous electrical issue and my grandparents had no more room so he was on the couch for 4-6 months…I can’t exactly remember.The boyfriend’s mother is unlikely to tolerate someone kipping on the couch. I wouldn’t. The boyfriend can sleep on his floor, and the OP in his bed. Or where ever, they are adults.
But how you arrange your house isn’t the question here.We are all different. I don’t want anyone sleepng in my small and busy living room. In this scenario she would have to sleep upstairs on the floor.