Hey there everyone. So I got myself involved in a bit of a debate a couple days ago with a Catholic who denied that non-Catholic denominations are truly “Christian.” He was a young kid who wants to become a priest, but he seemed a little elitist and almost Sedevacantist on the issue. He cited the Council of Trent as his source, saying that it completely denied any non-Catholic denominations to be with Christ because they deny Papal Primacy and the Church, and said that the Church’s teachings do not change. I myself was a little taken aback, but I did cite the fact that, growing up, I was taught (went to Catholic school my whole life) that other denominations are in fact Christian, and knew that there were a good amount, like Eastern Orthodoxy, that are in communion with Rome, and I’ve even seen Eastern Orthodoxy priests filling in for Roman Catholic priests when I was Catholic. Doing some more digging I found that also Cardinal Ratzinger wrote (before he was Pope Benedict) a delcaration, Dominus Iesus, that agrees with me. Yet all still, this kid denies me and says “the Council of Trent was infallible and ex cathedra” and thus can’t be denies. Can anyone give a solid answer for me on this? I’m still slightly irritated at this, to be truthful.