Must I add some more about dogs in general…My beloved pet was adopted from the SPCA…I tried to follow Cesar’s rules about introducing your new adopted pet to your home…upon her arrival home…I took her for a walk around the neighborhood to tire her…(as he suggested)…walking up to my house in a calm state…I opened the door and proceeded to lead the way (as he suggested) and she followed still in a calm state…I walked her on the leash to her bed…to the water bowl…to the entrance of every room…and took her to her bed and slowly removed her leash (as Cesar advised)…less than a second she takes off
she bolted from room to room and was out of control! When the dust settled, I fed her and put her in the master bathroom for the night with a small gate blocking the doorway…her whining kept me up and then I just gave in and put her in bed with me even though she had a bad odor! She snuggled up to me and won my heart!
She loves to go outside and chase lizards and anything that comes to the bird feeder. I would never let her go outside unsupervised because of the owls and hawks that scan the area in search of prey. Yes, I find it hard to imagine my life without her but realize we are just sharing our life together, temporarily. When she gets to the end of life stage…I shall hold her and let her die peacefully because I don’t have the “right” to interrupt the ending…