Scientifically speaking, spirits are not real, if for no other reason than that spirits themselves are believed to be antiscientific entities.
This is a fallacy if I have ever heard or seen one.
Just because there might be realities beyond the reach of scientific measurement and understanding, does not make them anti scientific and it does not follow that they do not exist. Anything that transcends empirical knowledge, in other words nature, is not relevant to “scientific research”. However that doesn’t mean that one cannot clearly see that there are in fact aspects of nature that go beyoud the bounds of scientific knowledge (such as what caused the “BigBang”), and therefore points to realities beyond the comprehension of science and the tools we use to develop theories. An object that moves itself and thinks for itself, has by its very actions, broken the chains of deterministic causality, and as such has transcended cause and effect. Our existence is a contradiction to the natural order.
In any case, real Scientists practice methodological naturalism, not naturalism.
Philosophically speaking, the presence of mind points to a reality that is non physical in nature, because the mind, so far as it perceives and freely manipulates the reality of other objects, does not correspond to the behavior of natural inert events. I have ideas that are clearly non-physical, despite their connections with the physical processes of the brain. My ignoring them doesn’t change what I am experiencing. Just because we can see the effects of thinking through brain imaging, does not give us any good reason to ignore the non-physical subjective aspects of mind. If anything, brain imaging gives us proof, through the power of inference, that there is in fact a mind. But it cannot tell us the nature of mind for you cannot measure the subjective aspects of perception or ideas; neither can you ignore them in an attempt to create a physical theory of mind. And hence we have reached the legitimate limits of what “Science” can say about the brain.
What is evident to me, and many others, is that there is a physical aspect of thinking, so far as my thoughts correspond to natural processes and requires them in order for me to have potential and actuality; and there is also the non-physical aspect of mind so far as I can freely create, in my mind, a subjective non physical non-dimensional image of objective reality, free of the blind deterministic and random aspects of nature.
So far as we accept the subjective reality of thinking as being a real phenomenon, it is imposible to create a purely physical theory of mind. The problem which arises from the concept of the mind being caused by purely physical processes is the fact that all my ideas will also be the result of physical processes. If my writing this is in fact caused by a blind natural event, then it is not me that is freely writing, but it is instead nature which is blindly processing thoughts and feelings and typing them into this page. Not only does this challenge the reality of freewill, it undermines science, since we only think and do what nature makes us think. In otherwords it all might be an illusion.
However, this is not my immediate experience as a human being. It has always been obvious that we are a union of mind and body, but it is not at all obvious why freewill and mind ought to arise from a natural ordering of the elements; and therefore it is not reasonable for me to believe that my mind is ultimately a product of nature just because physical processes are involved in my being conscious. Rather it is more reasonable to think that we are dealing with to different realities (“Mind”, and the Physical ordering of “mind”) which have been unified, so far as it is subjectively evident to me that I have freewill and immaterial ideas.
To prove that spirits are real one would have to prove that there is no science, no natural laws and methods to accurately predict behavior. That would be a tough one.
No. One does not. It is the scientist that must prove through the scientific methods that mind is a deterministic product of natural processes. But freewill contradicts this idea, so I don’t see why it would be possible.
I’m thinking of the placebo effect.
The placebo effect proves the dominion of mind over matter, becuase the minds will to believe, or belief, is determining the behavior and the outcome of physical events.