Do you think you could speak to your priest about some of this? For instance with your nap example, it’s not wrong or inherently slothful to rest when you’re tired-- it seems you are causing yourself much undue stress, part of which may have to do with simple misunderstanding. However, if you have OCD that is likely a driving factor here-- thoughts that everything you do is sinful is one common way it manifests as scrupulosity.
From my experience with OCD (I’ve had it for several years, not so much scruples but still), the obsessions don’t always stay constant, so it wouldn’t be too surprising that you have different things on your mind. This can especially be the case if your faith is playing a more prominent role in your life than before; the obsessions can essentially adapt to changes in your life.
If you’re not getting professional help that is something you should definitely look into. And if you can maybe make an appointment with your priest and explain your situation that will be helpful in easing your worries about confession. Don’t let these worries-- which can be managed-- keep you away from confession.