Argh! Don’t make any suggestions. We’re liable to end up with a bunch of “I’m a priest in a Novus Ordo diocese and I fear for my life so I’m receiving instruction privately from the only faithful order, the SSPX”.
That is incredibly uncharitable,…What is your concern with the SSPX?..Do you attend the EF??..Or has the Holy Father in Rome, (God Bless him).charged you like cassandra, , to shout a warning from the walls???..against that bad ol SSPX…lol
have you really taken stock, I mean really…of the situation of the Church, in this country??? If you did the SSPX would be the least of your concerns.,they have at most 60 priests. in this entire country…gimme a break…
Some diocesan priests do work with the SSPX…believe it or not…read Fr.Z’s blog…Wdtprs…
before joining this forum…I have read your posts, you seem to have a bone to pick with the SSPX, and those who favor the EF, in particular. couple that with a biting sarcasm, and ridicule…makes one wonder…
Are you greater than the Pope? Or Cardinal Hoyos? Or the members of the Ecclesia Dei commision?..They employ no such language or tactics…And you ridicule his Lordship.Bernard Fellay…He actually HAS met with the Pope. more than once I believe…Have you??
Perhaps it is time you gave up your “chair” of Theology, (or is it Canon law)…The Church is trying to absorb the SSPX, it will take time. shrillness and ridicule, on the part of unconcerned laity, does nothing to further this worthy goal.
You should pray for them, I do, and sometimes I pray with them.
God Bless