If the object of the soldiers was to kill the children, that ought to be morally heinous.This was not the case according to eye-witnesses who testified that for no good reason, Palestinian children were targeted and killed by Israelis.
I am not sure exactly what the question of the OP was, but I would say that such a circumstance would be a moral axiom which is self-evident (It is wrong to deliberately target and kill innocent children playing at the beach), but does not have universal assent. It does not have universal assent because there were Israeli soldiers who deliberately targeted and killed innocent children according to the testimony of witnesses as reported in media available to the public.
The soldiers would tell you that their object was to take out the missile site as a matter of self defense (self defense is a moral right). It was the object of the people who put the children in harm’s way (the Palestinians) that made possible the deaths of the children.
But as I said earlier, a plague on both their houses for not figuring out a better way to fight.