Are there any circumstances in which abortion is justified?

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Does the USA needs different abortion laws to other parts of the world. After all, in some parts of the world a baby will be born into intolerable circumstances. in the USA it’s much less likely that a baby will be born with aids for instance.

I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?

hence my question?
so you are saying that if a child will be born into intolerable circumstances that makes him guilty without a trial so he should be condemned to death without seeing the light of day? interesting take on social problems. Why don’t we just murder poor people wholesale for the crime of being poor and living “in intolerable circcumstances?” Heaven forbid we should do anything to ameliorate the intolerable circumstances. Off with their heads.
Does the USA needs different abortion laws to other parts of the world. After all, in some parts of the world a baby will be born into intolerable circumstances. in the USA it’s much less likely that a baby will be born with aids for instance.

I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?

hence my question?
Allow me to be candid… No! None whatsoever.
Does the USA needs different abortion laws to other parts of the world. After all, in some parts of the world a baby will be born into intolerable circumstances. in the USA it’s much less likely that a baby will be born with aids for instance.

I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?

hence my question?
As has been said, no. That provides no justification for allowing the slaughter of an innocent.

However, that does provide rationale for prayer for those people.
However, that does provide rationale for evangelization.
Disgusting. :mad: It is never justified.

I work for a non-profit which is helping to raise future leaders in a particular African country. These children are orphans, many who have been abandoned, or who have lost both parents to AIDS. Some of the children are even HIV+. They love and serve the Lord with all of their hearts, and I am so thankful they weren’t aborted.
Does the USA needs different abortion laws to other parts of the world. After all, in some parts of the world a baby will be born into intolerable circumstances. in the USA it’s much less likely that a baby will be born with aids for instance.

I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?

hence my question?
" … the child is born with a death penalty?" :confused: If you abort them you have already executed that death penalty!!!
For the record… just because a mother is HIV+ or has AIDS, it does not automatically mean that the child will be afflicted as well. Many times, a child born to an HIV+ mother initially tests HIV+, but later tests negative. I think it’s a bit contrived to say that any such child would have an automatic death sentence.
Does the USA needs different abortion laws to other parts of the world. After all, in some parts of the world a baby will be born into intolerable circumstances. in the USA it’s much less likely that a baby will be born with aids for instance.

I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?
My first question would be who do you propose be the judge of what constitutes “intolerable circumstances”? By whose standard?
there is no such thing as intolerable circumstance. We have no right to impose any sort of rationalized “circumstance” on an unborn child. There is no life so pathetic that it deserves destruction. Execution of children whether being born or unborn is particularly heinous because the child does not even have a chance to speak for himself or defend himself.
I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?
It is a hard teaching, but I don’t believe the Catholic Church recognizes a right to abortion, even in the case of rape.

As for AIDS, the chance of a mother passing the virus to her child is roughly 25%. Breastfeeding can be another source of transmission, possibly raising the risk to as high as 45%. But both numbers can be reduced if the mother takes anti-AIDS drug(s). I think the answer to the problem is increasing medical outreach to promote life, not to end it.
Is this your site? 🙂
. . I can’t see any excuses for aborting a foetus in the US or other so called developed nations, but what about other regiojns where rape and aids is commonplace and the child is born with a death penalty?

hence my question?
We are all born with a death penalty, but that is no reason to hurry us along.
the whole rape thing has no logic-a man commits a violent crime against a woman, one of the effects is the pregnancy, so who do we punish–the woman, with another violent assault on her person, and the innocent baby, by murdering it. that is certainly a twist, punish two victims instead of one.

if my father raped your daughter would that give you the right to kill me, or to assault your daughter?
the whole rape thing has no logic-a man commits a violent crime against a woman, one of the effects is the pregnancy, so who do we punish–the woman, with another violent assault on her person, and the innocent baby, by murdering it. that is certainly a twist, punish two victims instead of one.
hmmm… I don’t think that is quite right. No one is suggesting that rape victims to be forced to have an abortion. I think proponents of abortion would argue that a rape victim should have the option to end a forced pregnancy.
hmmm… I don’t think that is quite right. No one is suggesting that rape victims to be forced to have an abortion. I think proponents of abortion would argue that a rape victim should have the option to end a forced pregnancy.
exactly, the right to murder one of the two innocent victims in this tragedy.
Abortion is genocide. The only case where it may be acceptable is if the mother would surely die from giving birth.
Abortion is genocide. The only case where it may be acceptable is if the mother would surely die from giving birth.
No, abortion to save the life of the mother is not licit. The Church stated this expressly in 1884, 1889, and 1902 (the last regarding the question of ectopic gestations).

We still perform about 50,000-150,000 abortive procedures in Catholic hospitals each year, most argued on some variation of ‘double effect’, but the Church has repeatedly to decline to rule on the applications, simply pointing inquires back to the declarations and responses of the Tribunal of the Holy Office.
hmmm… I don’t think that is quite right. No one is suggesting that rape victims to be forced to have an abortion. I think proponents of abortion would argue that a rape victim should have the option to end a forced pregnancy.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to execute the rapist? Yet we long ago ruled out the death penalty for the perpetrator.
Abortion is genocide. The only case where it may be acceptable is if the mother would surely die from giving birth.
I don’t know what the word “Roman” in your name signifies, but what you stated is NOT the teaching of the Catholic Church, Roman or otherwise. Abortion is never allowed.
We still perform about 50,000-150,000 abortive procedures in Catholic hospitals each year, most argued on some variation of ‘double effect’, but the Church has repeatedly to decline to rule on the applications, simply pointing inquires back to the declarations and responses of the Tribunal of the Holy Office.
I don’t know who you are designating by “We” but I would like to know the source for the numbers you’re mentioning.
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