Are there any human souls in hell?

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Im Catholic and I have been contemplating this a lot lately. If God is all loving and he created hell as a place to cast the fallen angels, then does any human souls ever technically have to be in hell? God is all loving even towards the greatest sinners and all forgiving, and if satan wants souls to torment and to take away from God, wouldn’t it be Gods greatest victory to not give satan any souls? What do you all think?
I have also heard that the love you feel after you die and meet God for judgement is like no other. With this being said, even if you where the biggest anti christian and felt this love your natural inclination would be to repent and ask for forgiveness for your previous feelings/actions, and God being all forgiving would forgive you.
wouldn’t it be Gods greatest victory to not give satan any souls?
That would be God’s greatest victory, that’s why He gave us His Only Begotten Son to die for us, so our sins can be forgiven.

God does everything He can to prevent us from going to Hell… He gave us Jesus to die for us and The Holy Spirit to help us live by His will… all so He can love us, we love Him, die then become one with God in heaven.

as for if anyone is in hell, I don’t think there is any way for us to know if anyone is in hell except maybe Satan and the angels who fell from heaven. There was the parable of the rich man who went to hell…but that was a lesson Jesus was trying to teach us… I don’t think He mentioned anyone specifically was there.
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Yes the souls of humans who didn’t believe in Jesus go to hell.
But if those souls repent once they meet God/Jesus for judgement because in that moment they realize he is real, would that not be enough to be saved if God is all forgiving and all loving? Especially if they grew up in a society/life without the teachings of God
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To mortal sin and deny the Holy Spirit will land you there.

The sacrament of extreme unction or anointing of the sick helps those destined to hell…yet I believe God controls that. And living a life full of sin…thinking this sacrament will take care of this-----is the sin of presumption. So yes indeed some poor souls are in hell.
Some may object to this belief, but I think that Judas is in hell. Scripture seems pretty clear on this subject, but even if one were to disagree with that, Scripture does mention that
13 Make your way in by the narrow gate. It is a broad gate and a wide road that leads on to perdition, and those who go in that way are many indeed; 14 but how small is the gate, how narrow the road that leads on to life, and how few there are that find it!
Matthew 7:13-14
So even if we don’t know specific people that are in hell (aside from Judas) I don’t think it’s wrong or out of place to believe that there are lost souls there now.
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To mortal sin and deny the Holy Spirit will land you there.

The sacrament of extreme unction or anointing of the sick helps those destined to hell…yet I believe God controls that. And living a life full of sin…thinking this sacrament will take care of this-----is the sin of presumption. So yes indeed some poor souls are in hell.
I understand those are terrible sins, but iv been thinking what would Gods greatest victory be? His greatest sacrifice was giving himself up for our sins. So wouldn’t his greatest victory be to not give the most evil thing (satan) a single soul?
Some may object to this belief, but I think that Judas is in hell. Scripture seems pretty clear on this subject, but even if one were to disagree with that, Scripture does mention that
13 Make your way in by the narrow gate. It is a broad gate and a wide road that leads on to perdition, and those who go in that way are many indeed; 14 but how small is the gate, how narrow the road that leads on to life, and how few there are that find it!
Matthew 7:13-14
Thats fair, I heard that one of the Fatima kids saw hell and described the souls as snowflakes falling into hell during WW1
No…jesus died for the righteous. He decended into hell to bring them to Heaven.

I do not believe in reprobate souls but some would say these souls are born for hell.
So wouldn’t his greatest victory be to not give the most evil thing (satan) a single soul?
I think His greatest victory would be for His children to chose to be with Him in heaven, so that when He gave them free will they still chose Him.

Kind of like with Job… no matter how horrible Satan made Job’s life, Job still chose God… that was a pretty great victory, don’t you think?
There could be billions of human souls in Hell and there could be zero human souls in Hell. We simply don’t know.

However, if one believes in approved private revelations, and given man’s sinful nature, it seems reasonable to assume that there are some human souls in Hell, with the exact number unknown to us.
So wouldn’t his greatest victory be to not give the most evil thing (satan) a single soul?
I think His greatest victory would be for His children to chose to be with Him in heaven, so that when He gave them free will they still chose Him.

Kind of like with Job… no matter how horrible Satan made Job’s life, Job still chose God… that was a pretty great victory, don’t you think?
Thats a very good point
We don’t know who is in hell, or if even anyone. God is the Righteous Judge, and He knows where people are, not us. Neither does the Church declare anyone to be in hell. God knows only. But, hell is a real place, and we should stay far from sin which gets a person there.
When we believe in Christ and are obedient to all His teachings which He gave us, we can avoid eternal seperation from God.

The Church has never authoritatively stated that anyone in particular is in hell.

We believe Saints are in heaven. As far as I know, there is really only 2 people we as Catholics know to be in heaven: Mary; and the “good thief,” who history calls Dismas, who repented as he was crucified, alongside Jesus, and who Jesus assured would be with him in “paradise” AKA heaven that day.
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So wouldn’t his greatest victory be to not give the most evil thing (satan) a single soul?
Yes, but God is justice. If God is not just, Satan wins too. Therefore God leaves us with our free will and choices- and if we keep choosing sin, then we are choosing Hell and God can not deny us our choice per his infinite goodness and infinite justice.

Also, you seem to view this as a battle… but it isn’t that much of a battle. Satan lost and he knows he lost. He is just trying to harm God by harming us. He’s basically throwing a tantrum. Even if all humanity was damned, it is still a victory for God (and that’s an if that is never gonna apply).

If it is a battle it is a battle between us and Satan, but God is our ally.
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This ia your opinion only. The Church doesn’t teach anything about the ultimate whereabouts of Judas’ soul, so we have no idea where his soul is.
In all fairness it’s not merely my opinion, as if to insinuate that I came up with the teaching on my own. There are Church fathers who have taught that Judas is in hell, but more importantly Scripture seems to support this as well.

Just because the Church hasn’t dogmatically defined the current whereabouts of Judas’s soul, doesn’t mean that he’s not in hell.

For me it stands to reason that he’s there because no other interpretation or scriptural reference suggests that he was saved.
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In all fairness it’s not merely my opinion, as if to insinuate that I came up with the teaching on my own.
Fine, it’s your opinion and some theologians’ opinion. It’s still not official Church teaching, as the Church does not teach that any specific person is definitely in Hell.

Muting now as we’ve had this Judas discussion on many past threads, there’s no point in having it again in my opinion.
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