Are there any orders or secular institutes or societies of apostolic life that are known to have a strong focus on exorcism?

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It’s unlikely.
Some ministries, such as pastoral, education, etc appeal to some as a vocations path. You join a Community that does what you want to do.

But not exorcism. A seminarian who is really eager for that work is likely not your first choice. You want a mature priest who has experience with non demonic causes, through other types of ministry.
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That would more likely be each Archdiocese, as they (are supposed) to have priests who are designated exorcists.

The existing exorcists caution against a fascination or attraction to exorcism, as that may preoccupy one with evil rather than good.
I would hope they caution against a fascination with attention seeking and publicity. It’s not a platform to get extra attention for your opinions and books.
The Doloran Fathers, who were told to leave the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, are exorcists. I think they are MEF, if not mistaken.

My new congregation has two Ministries that are similar: the Nocturnal Courtiers Ministry and the Poor Souls Ministry. The former prays for the conversion of occultists; the latter, for the Poor Souls. The second one also works in prison ministry.

Mrs Cloisters, O.P.
Lay Dominican
Reading all your threads it sounds like you are beginning the journey to discern religious life. Have you been in touch with the vocations director of your Diocese?
Father Chad Ripperger is the founder of the Doloran Fathers…They are now in the Archdiocese of Denver, Colorado.
But not exorcism. A seminarian who is really eager for that work is likely not your first choice.
I’ll say. I wonder if such a seminarian candidate with that focus would even be accepted anywhere.
More likely they’d give the exorcist training and work to somebody who wasn’t clamoring to get it, and was just quietly holy and spiritually strong.

Fr. Ripperger’s Dolorans are the exception, I think.
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Our Ministry doesn’t pretend to want to be exorcists. We can offer our Pure Heartbeats of Sleep in Reparation for occultic activity. Conversely, if we awaken in the middle of the night, we pray the St Michael the Archangel prayer, and a special prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Our Holy Innocents Pro-life Ministry has discovered occultic involvement with abortion, so they add their prayers. They pray especially for the babies aborted as part of occultic activity. To the pagans, abortion is the Sacrament of Artemis - “if the gift is not perfect” it can be destroyed.

Believe it or not, there are some pro-life occultists and pagans, although rare.
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Generally, exorcists should only be chosen from mature, HOLY, priests. Membership in any community is not a guarantee of these two qualities, and hence it would be impossible to have “exorcism” as a “charism”. It would be like trying to establish an order for “mystics”. Not a charism. Anyone interested in such a thing would warrant very, very careful scrutiny because it isn’t something that a person should be drawn to but accepted with fear and trembling when imposed as a ministry. I personally know a very holy priest who wasn’t careful during a particular exorcism and is paying the penalty health wise. He nearly died and has serious health issues as a result.

Mother Therese, OCV, JCL
Specializing in theology and law of consecrated life.
This communication does not establish a canon lawyer-client relationship.
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What happened to him exactly?
He got very ill and nearly died. I am not going to pry into any other of his medical details, but I do know that he is very holy and humble as well as the spiritual director of at least one canonized saint. For most people and most clergy, there is no real point in studying demonology or the preternatural as it ends up being idle curiosity or worse. Unless one has a very good reason for looking into it, it is far more relevant for almost all Catholics to focus on growing in prayer and virtue instead.

Mother Therese, OCV, JCL
Specializing in theology and law of consecrated life.
This communication does not establish a canon lawyer-client relationship.
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