Are there different levels of heaven?

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I did not make an assertion about a particular doctrine(s). I was saying just because the Church teaches something a certain way, it does not mean they’re right. Obviously, they look to God for guidance, but there’s still human error, and so the Church’s teachings should be discerned. And, I’m not talking about dogma.
The Magisterium is infallible. That’s what we believe as Catholics. Peter was given the Keys of the Kingdom.
The Church’s understanding does not always stay the same. Doctrine is not static, and as the Church grows it realizes its doctrines “develop”. And, Infallibility is another issue that the Church does not claim regarding everything, and these things have been cleared up in various councils of the Church. You could easily look up history of Church doctrine regarding “usury”, “slavery”, and non-Catholics being saved.
We don’t “discern” stuff on our own without her teachings.
We shouldn’t discern without invoking the Holy Spirit.

To bring this back to Limbo, you presented traditional teachings concerning two different ideas of it, and neither are made doctrinal by the Church, but the Church allows the lay faithful to discern for themselves regarding subjects like the existence of Limbo.
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The lay faithful do not have the guarantee of guidance by the Holy Spirit that is offered to the Holy Father or the Magisterium. Pretending to invoke Him ourselves and then going off the rails from clear doctrinal teachings of the Church is a recipe for Error, not Truth.

Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He gave the Keys of the Kingdom, the power to bind and loose, to Peter and the Apostles, therefore we know Jesus, and we know Truth, through the teachings of the Church, which is infallibly guided by the Holy Spirit, not members of the lay faithful throwing out red herrings like “slavery” and “usury”.
The lay faithful do not have the guarantee of guidance by the Holy Spirit that is offered to the Holy Father or the Magisterium. Pretending to invoke Him ourselves and then going off the rails from clear doctrinal teachings of the Church is a recipe for Error, not Truth.

Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He gave the Keys of the Kingdom, the power to bind and loose, to Peter and the Apostles, therefore we know Jesus, and we know Truth, through the teachings of the Church, which is infallibly guided by the Holy Spirit, not members of the lay faithful throwing out red herrings like “slavery” and “usury”.
Please clarify what you mean by the lay faithful do not have the guarantee of guidance by the Holy Spirit that is offered to the Holy Father or the Magisterium.

And, if by “clear doctrinal teachings” you’re referring to the two traditional teachings of Limbo you presented, again, neither are made doctrinal by the Church, but the Church allows the lay faithful to discern for themselves regarding subjects like the existence of Limbo.

Additionally, again, Infallibility is another issue that the Church does not claim regarding everything, and these things have been cleared up in various councils of the Church. You could easily look up history of Church doctrine regarding “usury”, “slavery”, and non-Catholics being saved. No, the words “usury” and “slavery” are not “red herrings”, rather examples of what I’ve been partially speaking about: development of doctrine.
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