Calling someone a nazi is offensive because the nazi’s created concentration camps in order to slaughter millions of innocent people. That being said, the people who are called feminazis support the abortion mills where millions of innocent and completely helpless children are slaughered. Maybe the term is appropriate for that group.
If I supported the ruthless slaughter of innocent people (not to mention on a massive scale) I would hope people wouldn’t tip toe around labeling me with a term that relayed that fact.
EXACTLY! The people who are referred to as “Nazis” happen to engage in nazi-like behavior and ideology.
Those who are labeled what they are rarely like to labeled as it tends to call attention to what they don’t want to see about their ideology.
Personally, as as “right wing Christian” in this society, I’m proud of that particular label…if it ticks of the left wing liberals I know I’m in the right place.
Anyway, I have and do use the term “femi-nazi”. I did actually speak with a person who is a member of the Jewish faith (on this site) and that person is not offended by the term–to be so would be very thin-skinned as the intent of using the word is not denigrating to their faith nor does it downplay their own history.
In any case, I have been doing some research into feminism and the term is appropriate (For the record, I have never liked Rush Limbaugh as I find him to be a pompous arse, but I do appreciate the term he coined).
Anyway, the feminists have stated that they will not leave the Church as they cannot infiltrate and condemn it from teh exterior, but rather, they admitted have an adjenda to undermine the morals of our faith FROM THE INSIDE.
Does that not sound NAZI-LIKE? Didn’t the Nazis corrupt the people from the inside out as opposed to taking over as an opposing army? Just as is the feminist adjenda, and the liberal adjenda? They won’t leave us alone because they are trying to corrupt internally to cause the destruction of all we hold dear.
Of course they won’t win and the movement is dying a painful death but for a few that try to hold on, gasping their last futile breaths in complete rancor.
Ironinc that the feminist movement started out with such good intentions and was actually pro-life,…but was corrupted by a futile diabolical adjenda very much like Hitler’s party and has had an even more long-term and detrimental effect.
Fine of those who fit the term are offended. The Pharisees were offended when John the Baptist called them “Pit of Vipers”: also and were very offended when Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple. I for one have no problem placing the term where it fits.
People who are vipers are vipers and if feminazi fits, then use it!