I realize that we cannot know God’s mind, but I am wondering what your opinions/beliefs are on this matter: if a person is not Christian, are they automatically stripped of the possibility of reaching Heaven? Or are there exceptions, like the pious and loving mountain man who has never even heard of God, but who is always sacrficing himself for others? What about Buddhists and Jews and repentant, confused atheists? Does the Church teach anything on this matter?
A few thoughts:
Sometimes - makes that “often” - it occurs to me that people who wheel out dogma and other bits of paper, forget that God is not limited by our ideas, our imaginations, or by the helps He gives His Church
Jesus spent a lot of time denouncing the Pharisees and scribes; they had God all worked out: or so they thought - and mixing with schismatics, heathens, heretics, and all the people who are so obviously not card-carrying, synagogue-going, Torah-observant, one-God worshipping, rigidly orthodox Jews.
Job’s comforters are rebuked - Job is commended; yet he was not tidily orthodox.
I think this is a warning for us, here and now. satan is orthodox - it’s not helping him. he can play Bible ping-pong better than any exegete or Fundamentalist preacher. Orthodoxy won’t be any good if we don’t love God and neighbour - and how we love our neighbour whom we can see, is the test of how we love God Whom we can’t see.
Love is from God - God* is* Love. A non-catholic who loves his neighbour for God’s sake and by God’s grace, cannot be lost.
God is faithful to His Church - but that is not the same as being limited to it. He’s not the Church’s prisoner, but the Church’s Lord.
If it is true that “the Spirit of the Lord fills the whole earth”, then IMO it seems extremely odd to think that that the only people not going to Hell are those lucky enough to belong to the one-sixth of the human population who are in union with Rome. If God saves only Catholics, then he is no different from the popular caricature of the Calvinist God, Who is said to choose a minority for salvation and damn the majority of the human race. How can that be "the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the God Who is rich in mercy, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to salvation? Those who wish to believe, or able to believe, in a God Who damns 83% of the human race for not believing in a Christ Whom many of them have never even heard of, are welcome to do so.
I think the tendency to adopt a strict interpretation of the necessity of the Church may well owe something to Jansenist tendencies in US Catholicism, influences carried by the French and Irish clergy who have been so important for the building and guidance of US Catholicism.
God delights in showing mercy - this may be why judgement is so terrible when it comes. Look at Judah before the Exile. ##