Are we doing enough to end abortion?

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No one chooses abortion because they want to kill babies. The chose abortion because they are scared and feel as though they do not have any other choice. Forcing women to carry a baby that they do not want is not the cure. We need to HELP the women and not condemn them.
My point was to address the violent, vengeful, sinful words voiced towards ISIS and not towards abortionists. In neither case is it okay, in both cases killing in self defense is warranted, but in the case of abortion not really possible. If you need further clarification on my remarks, feel free to message me.
Notice how its publicly OK to voice how these ISIS terrorists should be tortured and killed for what they have done, but when it comes to violence to stop abortion, its totally condemned, even expressing agreement with it? This is clearly a double standard.

Ive always wondered why so many folks, even those at my parish, state how bad they want these terrorists to suffer and die for what they done, but whenever there is a news story about someone attacking an abortion doctor or clinic, they condemn it 100% and express how much they disagree with it…??
These people are Republican before Catholic. The Republican party is sympathetic to Christianity, so unfortunately a lot of Christians lose their religion to Republicanism. Despite what they hear from a party that is sympathetic towards our religion, they shouldn’t listen to that party over our religion. Revenge IS wrong. Wishing death on another IS wrong. Wishing torture and any kind of evil on another IS wrong.

Wanting others to be protected is NOT wrong. Defending others from persecution is NOT wrong. Killing an aggressor in self-defense is NOT wrong. There is a line that can not be crossed. As far as the difference between stopping beheadings and abortions, there is no difference in what should be done, but unfortunately I think there is a difference in what can be done. See my last post.
I think part of the problem is, christians and most people today may feel abortion needs to stop, but there is a limit to what they are personally willing to do, in order to make that happen, if it conflicts with a secular law, its totally out of the question for them. They are more concerned with their own quality of life. If they suspect an act may get them arrested, loose their jobs, income, etc, they will remain silent, even if they realize they should take action.

Back in the days of WW2, it was equally tough for those who fought the Nazis and Hitler, it was not the popular thing to disagree with them, it could get you killed or arrested very quickly…yet many people followed thru and fought anyway…and these are people who are viewed as heroes today. We celebrate these people for doing things at the time that were illegal and wrong, same thing with patriots of the American revolution, if they had all kept silent and stayed at home, worried more about their own quality of life, America may be a lot different today!

Same thing with the Civil rights fight in the 1960s, people are celebrated and viewed as patriots today, for doing things at the time, which were illegal and very unpopular. They put the fight above their personal safety and freedom.

I guess the point is…it takes many years and decades for someone to be recognized as a hero/ patriot, etc
addressing the reasons why they abort their children.

People need to give more to charities to help these women!!

On the plus side, when we slowly address these reasons, we will see the sinister reason more clearly: I abort my child simply because it’s an inconvenience. :eek:

The PP ad that showed a sad college teen having to reject her scholarship because she was pregnant (i think it’s PP) is horrible and disgusting.
Notice how its publicly OK to voice how these ISIS terrorists should be tortured and killed for what they have done, but when it comes to violence to stop abortion, its totally condemned, even expressing agreement with it? This is clearly a double standard.

Ive always wondered why so many folks, even those at my parish, state how bad they want these terrorists to suffer and die for what they done, but whenever there is a news story about someone attacking an abortion doctor or clinic, they condemn it 100% and express how much they disagree with it…??
Do you want them to want these doctors to suffer and die?
Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God!
Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men.

For they speak against You wickedly;
Your enemies take Your name in vain.

Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.

Psalm 139:19-22
Maybe go read the new testament…yeesh.

I hope you do not mean that you support the killing of abortionists…
Do you want them to want these doctors to suffer and die?
I do not want them to do anything, just curious about the double standard…

They apparently feel ISIS terrorists are deserving of some terrible torture and death, and are totally fine saying that publicly, due to what these folks have done to innocent people, but when someone goes and kills an abortion doctor, who does the same thing, killing the innocent, they condemn the act, demonizing the person, and would NEVER EVER say anything remotely positive about it in public.

In fact, I saw a bumper sticker on a truck recently, that said ‘Terrorist hunting license, no limits’!

Whats the difference, why would they be so vengeful at one group and not another for essentially the same thing?
I hope you do not mean that you support the killing of abortionists…
Killing should never be something that is “supported”. However, sometimes defense ends in death. I believe it is morally acceptable to kill abortionists as a last resort of stopping them IN THE ACT, just as it is morally acceptable to kill an aggressor with a gun to a born child’s head if that is the only way to stop them.
Killing should never be something that is “supported”. However, sometimes defense ends in death. I believe it is morally acceptable to kill abortionists as a last resort of stopping them IN THE ACT, just as it is morally acceptable to kill an aggressor with a gun to a born child’s head if that is the only way to stop them.
You are not going to get into a clinic to stop an abortionist “in the act”; and if you did, you would go to jail, the woman would be taken to a hospital and the abortion completed, and no good would be accomplished.

In WW II, people who were opposed to the Nazis did not, for the most part, publicly oppose them. They either left the country and tried to win support against them, or stayed and worked in secret, hiding Jews, etc. Standing up to a Nazi would get you dead fast.

We need to make abortion illegal, even if step by step, so that people are less comfortable with it. And to offer support to pregnant women so they don’t feel they have no choice, as well as decreasing the complexity of adoption.

You are not going to get into a clinic to stop an abortionist “in the act”; and if you did, you would go to jail, the woman would be taken to a hospital and the abortion completed, and no good would be accomplished.

In WW II, people who were opposed to the Nazis did not, for the most part, publicly oppose them. They either left the country and tried to win support against them, or stayed and worked in secret, hiding Jews, etc. Standing up to a Nazi would get you dead fast.

We need to make abortion illegal, even if step by step, so that people are less comfortable with it. And to offer support to pregnant women so they don’t feel they have no choice, as well as decreasing the complexity of adoption.

I agree. I was just addressing the posts about ISIS. What is warranted in the fight against abortion isn’t necessarily possible or productive given the unique circumstances. In WW II, victims could escape extermination camps like in the case of Sobibor, but pre-born can’t “escape” a woman’s womb. Ultimately, I suppose “Are we doing enough to end abortion?” and “Are we doing all that we productively can do to end abortion?” are different questions. The answer to the former could be “no” even if the answer to the latter is “yes”.

I think we are doing all that we can do to end abortion. We are protesting and informing people outside of clinics, we are pushing for legislation to end abortion and ease access to alternatives, we are forming support groups like Project Rachel, we are praying. Will it ever be enough? I don’t know…
In WW II, people who were opposed to the Nazis did not, for the most part, publicly oppose them. They either left the country and tried to win support against them, or stayed and worked in secret, hiding Jews, etc. Standing up to a Nazi would get you dead fast.

Right and today many of those people who resorted to illegal acts of the time, are celebrated as heroes for what they did, There was even a movie about the group who tried to plant a bomb near Hitler…at the time, it was wrong, and would have gotten them in all kinds of trouble, but years later, they are heroes…, plus it also depends on who wins the war, if Nazis had won, these people would most certainly go down in history as traitors and criminals.

Same thing with the American revolution, we celebrate many of the patriots today, for doing things that were illegal and wrong at the time, however if England had won, they would likely have went down in history as terrorists.

Point is, apparently it takes many many years, decades to go from terrorist/ criminal to hero/patriot!
Thumbs up!!

As a Nurse Practitioner everyday I hear of adolescent boys pressuring girls. We need the parent’s of these boys to step up. I’m not saying girls are completely innocent, but from experience myself as a teenager boys will flatter you and tell you almost anything to get what they want.
You are talking the democrats and liberals, bread and butter; Abortion will never be fully repealed in the USA; it might be possible though to educate enough people about abortion so they wont choose it but that is a tough road and even harder when one tries to bring in religious reasoning why one should not choose abortion.
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