There has always been so much controversary over this subject. It certainly has been a Christian topic for two millenniums! But is it just possible that we have somewhere missinterpreted the time frame? What if there is much to learn as to what the Gods agendas are? Could there be a possibility that there are hidden messages in the Bible? Expecially regarding this huge event? Here is part of my philosophy:
Is it just a coincidence that there are so many catastrophes occurring on the earth? Mankind seems to have gone haywire!
“Much has been written regarding this horrendous event. Many philosophers, prophets and spiritualistic persons have focused on this situation. Movies have been made dramatizing this event. Religions have had a field day converting over non-believers to their beliefs, and fear. Is the reality the same that has been taught and whispered down through the centuries?”
Is there a war going on in heavenly congress and are we feeling the effects here on earth? Is everything going according to plan by the Gods? How will this affect us?
“All war has a beginning, then a tedious middle (not sure where it is going) and then a finale or end. Armageddon is a war of stages! Unlike all that is being said about it. Most believe that it is a horrendous event happening quickly, and destructively, with the majority hoping or expecting it in the future. Is this correct? I believe Armageddon has already been going on for a long time. We are not waiting for Armageddon to start, for it already has!” (Copyrighted from my book; “The Game between the Gods”).
Care to hear more? Read the above book and then decide for yourself!
Good reading.
Michele Lyon
There has always been so much controversary over this subject. It certainly has been a Christian topic for two millenniums! But is it just possible that we have somewhere missinterpreted the time frame? What if there is much to learn as to what the Gods agendas are? Could there be a possibility that there are hidden messages in the Bible? Expecially regarding this huge event? Here is part of my philosophy:
Is it just a coincidence that there are so many catastrophes occurring on the earth? Mankind seems to have gone haywire!
“Much has been written regarding this horrendous event. Many philosophers, prophets and spiritualistic persons have focused on this situation. Movies have been made dramatizing this event. Religions have had a field day converting over non-believers to their beliefs, and fear. Is the reality the same that has been taught and whispered down through the centuries?”
Is there a war going on in heavenly congress and are we feeling the effects here on earth? Is everything going according to plan by the Gods? How will this affect us?
“All war has a beginning, then a tedious middle (not sure where it is going) and then a finale or end. Armageddon is a war of stages! Unlike all that is being said about it. Most believe that it is a horrendous event happening quickly, and destructively, with the majority hoping or expecting it in the future. Is this correct? I believe Armageddon has already been going on for a long time. We are not waiting for Armageddon to start, for it already has!” (Copyrighted from my book; “The Game between the Gods”).
Care to hear more? Read the above book and then decide for yourself!
Good reading.
Michele Lyon