Are we slouching toward the suicide of our civilization?

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From Crisis magazine, an article by Anthony Esolen:

Esolen argues a dying culture would show "a preoccupation with death…It would promote a right to die on your own terms, but no right to live, rather only a permission to live, provided that you possess certain qualities that people acknowledge as useful … Life is no gift, but a mere thing, to be disposed of at will, like garbage. Nothing is sacred —not the body, not the soul, no place, no object, no name, no human persons, no history, no songs, no God.

A dying culture would have "willed sterility… First, a hatred or fear of one’s own fertility, leading to voluntary sterilization; for the sterile is, anthropologically, next door to the dead. Second, a refusal to marry, or a complete lack of interest in marriage, whether the ordinary marriage of man and woman, or the spiritual marriage one enters as a religious; the wedding feast to which Jesus compares the kingdom of God has no appeal. Nothing is sacred.

It would "crush, dismember, or fry in salt that astonishingly beautiful child in the womb…(and) not scruple to invade the haven of a child’s blessed innocence…since nothing is sacred , the people of a dying culture will be eager to have children join them in corruption and meaningless hedonism, festooned as always with euphemism, like lipstick and false hair on a skull.
"The people of a dying culture not only smother their future in the womb. They murder their ancestors too… . Down come the statues in the public squares,

"Utopian schemes abound, even while the decadent art of the age sees but vast networks of human misery to come. For utopian towers are cemented with hatred for what is .

"Optimism, grinning and gold-toothed, steps in to take the place of hope, holding forth not forgiveness, redemption, and new birth, but a merciless judgment against the past, and change, vague and undirected, some change, any change, as a sick person on a bed tosses and turns for relief that does not come.

Has he nailed it?
60 years ago we were slouching towards it. 40 years ago we were walking towards it. 20 years ago we were speeding towards it. Now we’re in the midst of it.
I would say that we are blindly running toward our demise and working hard to improve the weapons that will be the cause of it.
If we consider the debauchery and immorality, the murder, thievery and double-dealing written of in the scriptures (even by King David!), nothing should surprise us. It should, however, dismay us and lead us to redouble our efforts at communing with the Lord in our spirits, in our hearts, in prayer, and in spreading the Gospel - even if not at the sacrifice of the mass.

This world is spiritual gravity - it ceaselessly attempts to drag us down. It takes increasing effort on our parts and we fail only when we do not ask for the strength to carry on.

We walk with Jonah, who ran from the Lord in vain so as to avoid the divine appointment God had prepared for him. Imagine his thoughts as he walked the breadth of the despised city of Nineveh - a lonely voice of one - not in the desert, but in the city, crying out for them to repent.

He had little apparent effect until the king took notice, was convicted of the truth of the message and decreed repentance and fasting in sackcloth and ashes.

In this life, we rarely see the effects of our efforts. While that may not be good for our energy levels, it helps in our other struggle: humility.

I think the most important message in all of this is that we should be prepared and “watch.”
I think the cultural suicide is long-since past tense. The question now is whether we participate in a cultural resurrection.
I think this is a bit defeatist. Have hope! Justice will have it’s day.
I think this is a bit defeatist. Have hope! Justice will have it’s day.
Not sure who your comment is replying to, but speaking for myself, I do have hope! But in the kingdom of God, not the kingdoms of this world.

In this world, civilizations really do rise and fall. It’s not defeatist to acknowledge that. If anything, acknowledging temporal defeat can be the first step to contributing to new, better temporal things – while always keeping our eyes on eternity.

This world isn’t the one we should expect ‘justice to have its day’ in. There’s a new world yet to come.
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Suicide, seriously? Too dramatic, but that’s what I expect from the source. I see it more like bankruptcy, that is, bad but recoverable.

I’ll be like that boy looking in the dirty stable, filth and stench all about, who beams and says, “There must be a pony around here somewhere!”
Societies all had their share of immorality in all the eras, as Christians we can get through this.
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Every day that passes, we’re one day closer to the end of the world and Christ’s Second Coming.

However, civilization has had ups and downs throughout all of human time and throughout the entire Christian era.

I don’t see any practical point in going around acting like this time we live in is somehow worse than numerous other times, and in fact it’s probably better than some.

In any event, those who are alive now were willed by God to live during this time, so it would be better if we all got to it and worked on living God’s will rather than sitting around moaning.
Cultures rise and fall. It’s inevitable. Civilizations are born and die.
Prior to Judaism, the great civilizations believed and hoped that history was cyclic. And they had good reason to hope so. Situated at the great deltas of the Tigris and Euphrates or the Nile, they depended on the annual overflowing of the great rivers into the sea that made early agrarian civilizations possible.

Judaism gives us the first idea of progress in human history. The Messianic idea is part and parcel of the idea of the progress of the human race in the universe.

History was a development toward a goal. History progressed from one state to a new state. The new state that ensued would be the result of a totally new manifestation of the Divine. In the prophets this stage is called the “Day of the Lord,” which is wholly unlike other days: it can only arrive after the old structure has been razed. Accordingly, upon the advent of the “Day of the Lord” all that man has built up in history will be destroyed and renewed.
And let’s remember that the intercession of Our Lady has saved us from God’s wrath many times.
The worst thing we can do is give up. That plays into the hand of the enemy.
Prayers are heard and can change the direction of the world no matter how dire it may seem.
Pray the rosary daily and there will be change.
The best way to the Sacred Heart Of Jesus is through His Mother Mary.
God bless.
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