Are you a cradle catholic, convert, or revert?

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Woah, your conversion story is very similar to mine!
I started searching and researching in college, attended my first mass in 2014, and I finally decided to become a candidate.
The only difference is that my family was religious, but a non-denominational Christian faith.
Convert from Agnosticism, but baptized Catholic within the last 4 years. (Was that even a choice? 😊)
Convert since 1981! And never a moment of regret or doubt, despite a hard personal road since then.

Wow, have I seen a loss of “spark” within the church since then, and even more in society.

But we’ve done considerably better then the Anglican church which I converted from.

CAF is one of the changes for the better!
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Baptised and raised Presbyterian (PCI) in the North of Ireland. Catholic/Protestant mongrel extended family on both sides but both parents are practising Presbyterians. Received into the full communion of the Catholic Church in 2016 at 18

I was a bit of a strange case, but long story short, I started believing in the Catholic Church and her teachings when I was about 12. I stopped going to Protestant church services (much to the delight of my parents) and started going to Mass, Adoration etc shortly thereafter.

I wasn’t received into the Church until I was an adult, but we don’t really do RCIA here, so I had about an hour a week of private instruction with my sponsor for 2 months or so. My Rite of Reception, Confirmation and First Holy Communion was just in the middle of a normal weekday Mass in an our Parish Adoration Chapel.
Cradle Catholic, but hesitant to use the term. Seems like that phrase is often used to complain about how lukewarm or poorly catechized we are. Consequently, I was poorly catechized 😆 , but I did something about it. Raised Catholic. Never left. I don’t look down on them that did. I love a good journey back to the faith story.
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Would your husband be willing to go to RCIA with you? If he is so against your conversion, perhaps he would want to know what they are going to tell you? May God bless you on your journey. Prayers for you.
Well, anything is possible with God! Maybe he would go! He comes from a Catholic background, so he may think he already knows everything about the Church’s teaching. I could see if he wanted to go, it doesn’t hurt to try. I have gotten him to go with me to mass at a parish in another neighborhood. He has also met the priest here at the local parish who gives excellent messages. The priest here really cares about the parishioners, and explains Church teaching and Scripture thoroughly in each homily. I hope I can do RCIA at his parish because he genuinely cares and is able to explain things very well. My husband even noticed that he has a big heart for people in briefly meeting him.
I am an adult convert, and so is my girlfriend. In fact, we’re both going through RCIA together right now and we’ll both be baptized at the Easter Vigil this year on April 20!
My mother’s family is catholic, my fathers family are baptists. My parents obviously had different ideas about religion, so we rarely went to church, and when we did it was never a Catholic Church. (I went a couple times with just my mom, and enjoyed it a lot more than the mostly nondenominational churches we had gone to before. It just felt more meaningful I guess) For the most part I grew up as an atheist. Religion seemed like a nice idea but I just couldn’t make myself believe in it, and I didn’t have much education about it to begin with. Around high school I got into more ‘occult’ stuff. After some uh, interesting experiences I just couldn’t consider myself an atheist anymore. I guess currently I’d consider myself some sort of occultist/pagan. I still have a lot of interest in the catholic faith, hence the reason I’m here haha. But I don’t know yet if it’s really for me.
Are you a cradle catholic, convert, or revert? (You can also participate, non-Catholics, if you would like. Don’t be shy.)

I thought this might make for an interesting question. Probably I have missed a category, or yours does not fit into one of these three boxes.
cradle → grave
Are you a cradle catholic, convert, or revert? (You can also participate, non-Catholics, if you would like. Don’t be shy.)

I thought this might make for an interesting question. Probably I have missed a category, or yours does not fit into one of these three boxes.
Cradle Catholic until I was about 14. Have now been attending Baptist churches for about 45 years.

Strangely, I felt a special need to worship the Lord Jesus at Christmas this year. I had not gone to any Mass for over 40 years. My work schedule on Christmas Eve was the swing shift (i.e. 4 pm to Midnight) and I was therefore unable to attend my church’s observance due to my being at work.) It happens that there is a small Catholic church about five minutes from my workplace and they were having a Midnight Mass. And so I thought, why not go?

I was a few minutes late getting there but I found this to be a very blessed worship experience. I was able to mostly keep up with the proceedings, having downloaded a Missal app to my phone. When I was young, the liturgy seemed to me at the time something of religious mumbo-jumbo. But now after many years of careful Bible study, the words and songs of praise at Mass to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit beautifully resonated in my soul in a way that it never really did long ago when I was Catholic.

Also, it seems to me that there’s a sense of reverence toward God in a Catholic church, that I’ve not felt as much in Baptist churches. That’s one thing that I do miss.

I doubt that I could ever return to Roman Catholicism as I have many serious doctrinal objections, but it was nice to visit this time. I hope to be able to visit again.
Cradle Catholic from a devout family who tried every possible way to escape the faith in the terrible 1970s then reverted in a big way in the 1980s as I grew up and got serious about life.
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