Are You a Knight of Columbus?

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Hate to ruin it for you Welshrabbit…but some councils work with local lodges…now we have been know to brawl against the Mooses!!!
I was at a state convention when a State Deputy (now a Past State Deputy) called being a Knight as or vocation…when I heard it, I thought, “SD had too much to drink last night” but as I thought about all the sweat, blood and tears I’ve shed, I think he was right…
I joined the Knights 6 years ago in January. I’ve served as Grand Knight, Faithful Navigator and now DD. I’ve had several issues with what Supreme and State have done but I didn’t become a Knight for Supreme or State. I became a Knight because some I respect, whom I don’t always agree with, asked and because I wanted to give back to my parish and my community. I’ve served as the Community Director for 5 of those 6 years, that is what I’m passionate about. The same brothers that I’ve wanted to choke are also the same brothers that have had my back, to the point that they’ve played the “bad cop” so that I didn’t have to…I wouldn’t change a thing.

Any other Knights mad about the fourth degree colour guard regalia change, or should I not bring that up?
The ONLY negative I see is that potentially, doing the 3 degrees at the same ceremony means that, unlike myself and countless others, men who join will not have time between degrees to assimilate and mature/grow as knights, with a next degree being a step ahead. It seems possible that doing 1st thru 3rd may possibly detract from the importance of 2and and 3rd lessons. I guess the summary of my concern is that, IMO, this could potentially cause a lack of time for new knights to grow. But, people well above me and undoubtedly smarter have instituted this. As a 4th degree knight myself, I’ll back it and see how it works out firsthand.

I agree that making the ceremonies open to ppl who are not knights will dispel a lot of silly rumors about our order, and really like that part of the change.

Vivat Jesus!
I know this is spreading doom and gloom but is there going to be a generational bottleneck for the Knights (not I know would keenly know (non practicing) but aren’t a lot of members rather old) and this warrants another thread but this is indicative of the Church losing social structures and community which can be hard on members who appreciate or need that support?
I get the impression that in recent years a lot of the traditional “men’s clubs” are “aging” because younger men are not as attracted to them as they once were.

I saw an article in a newspaper a while ago saying that the Masons are “aging” and that they’re trying to attract younger members.
I have a friend that served as a Master at the same time I served as Grand Knight and I can tell you that we both had the same issues. All fraternal organizations are having issue recruiting members.
Personally, I think we push brothers to advance too quickly through the degrees and make them officers before they are ready…

All fraternal organizations have false rumors about them, on this tread alone there are several about Masons.
Pretty much my experience. Hadn’t even finished my 3rd degree when I was asked to be Warden (this was within the first 3 or 4 months of my 1st). After I agreed, found out the expectation was to move through all of the chairs. Definitely was not ready.

Still wouldn’t change my experience in the end. Had to move away after my year as GK, and haven’t really been active. But when things settle down looking forward to getting active again.
PGK. Haven’t been active in a awhile because I had to move, but recently when I went through some illness, my council reached out to me with prayer and support which I really needed.
I volunteered to be a guard cause, I can check cards…somehow I was elected Warden, next year DGK, moved to a new council and somehow became GK. I did two years and was elected FN (only doing 2) and was appointed DD this year. All while still being the Community Director…I love the work but I’m tired.
Isn’t that bad for community though and making it political again, people are going to look to government if there’s less institutions like these groups but we’re probably already there.
I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, your absolutely correct, it shows the public we are not a secret organization I would get so tired of having to explain to some people that we are not like the Masons or some other secret society. On the other, like you mentioned, it takes the mystery and excitement out of going up a degree. It was fun. I’m more upset about the change in the uniforms for color guard than I am the other stuff though. I just get to fourth degree and work on getting my colors and they up and change it. I love those old uniforms. That was one of the things that I loved about the Knights as a kid and when I joined. Obviously that is only one thing I love everything about belonging to this great group.
First, to be clear, what I am posting right here occurred at my local council and does not represent all councils or the KofC as a whole:

I joined the Church Easter Vigil, the KofC the next month (going on 6 years ago). I joined thinking that there would be a LOT more fraternal stuff at the local level, such as men getting together for studies, maybe just going out together with our wives, etc., on a regular basis. At the time I was 44, a disabled veteran (still am), and had a TON of free time as well as energy.
I had also hoped to keep learning about the Church from the KofC council after RCIA.

Much to my chagrin, it was only after about two years and my taking over the council activities that we began going out anywhere at all, and that remains no more than 10 men after a monthly business meeting for wings and a beer. Better than when i joined, but not anywhere near what I expected. You see, before converting, the weekly mens’ group I went to on Wednesday evenings from 6p-730p, every week, went out afterwards to a restaurant nearby for dinner and fellowship. I think I was, and kind of still am, missing some of that sort of fellowship.

As for learning more about our Faith, not long after RCIA I discovered that the typical parishioner, when asked things about Church Teaching or anything requiring a few details, names of things, etc., almost always referred me to a priest for the answer. I was, and in many cases still am, amazed at how little “cradle Catholics” may know about our Faith. And, for those who know me, it seems nowadays I end up having people referred to me because I had to hunt down the answers to the same questions that are still being asked from each year’s RCIA people who join the Church. I’m definitely no expert, but seem to know more answers than the average man in a pew, sadly. Oh well, I’m glad to help when I can. When i don’t know, I will point people straight to this site and tell them to use the search box at CA. I still use it frequently as well.

Anyway, at age 44, I WAS the spring chicken in our council. And now, at 50, I have but maybe 4 of our 96 members who are younger than I. They are, praise God, a LOT younger, as in their 20’s. So perhaps our recruiting and our examples have helped as desired. Now if those 4 recruit 1 or 2 each, we’ll be well on the way to dropping the average age in our council. It seems that every time we do an activity, it’s always the same guys helping or running it. A few others will pitch in here and there & we get things done, but it would be so very good if the younger men would multiply and start taking initiative to get things done, taking the load off the tired old men…(of which I am not one, yet)
Fourth degree Knight here.
The K is C is deeply involved
in prolife, including not only abortion but for all disabled persons. We directly support food pantries, clothing for needy children, and other outreaches to the community, as well as supporting our parishes with money and workers.

We have a Sick and Vigil group that reaches out to members who are sick, and offers a prayer vigil at wakes.
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