Are you afraid of death? I admit I am

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Thank you all for your many replies, they are of great help and inspiration to me. Even though I still have great fear of the unknown, I know having a strong faith helps alot in lessening the fear of death.

When the end of my physical life comes, and I know it will at some time, I pray my dying process will be fast as well as being spiritually prepared and free of mortal sin.

God Bless,

I don’t fear death, what I fear is the moments leading up to it. I hope I don’t die some gruesome horrible painful death. The stories of the people who died in the hurricanes terrify me. How scary it must have been to be stuck on a rooftop with water coming up and up…things like that.

As a nursing home social worker I witness some beautiful deaths. Family gathered around, holding the person’s hand, saying last goodbyes, as the person peacefully passes. If I could choose, that is how I would like to die.

Once the human death process occurs, I have no fear. Hopefully I will get to Heaven right away. Maybe I’ll have to spend some time in purgatory first. But then I will have eternity with my Lord. I have a son whom I held very briefly before he died. I will be reunited with him. Other family members too.

I fear that my soul won’t be ready when my time comes. So my task is now while I am still waiting.

I don’t know if this is the proper way of putting it but I’ll try. I am fascinated with death, physical death and spiritual death (ie> what happens to the soul after death). However, the thought of my own death terrifies me to no end. Everywhere I go I think that it may be the last thing I do. When I cross the street, everytime I think, I may get hit and die right here. I get worked up so much that I end up giving myself a panic attack where I think I actually am dying. It’s terrifying. I have yet to find the comfort in knowing that the Lord is there at the end, because I am still unsure of whether this is true or not. If I knew that was true or if I could figure out how to put myself in the Lords hands without fear, I would not be afraid.
This is going to sound absolutely odd considering the other, very thoughtful posts…

I have three babies in heaven and I know that once I’m through purgatory, and I can bow down before God … I GET TO HOLD MY BABIES!!! And you know, that makes me so excited that I’m willing to die suddenly or die slowly… because I have something to look forward to.

How my heart aches to hold my little babies. I cry tears of joy at times because I know they are waiting for me. God has blessed me with six babies and three are here with me, so they keep me busy and company and I love them dearly. But oh how there are times when I just tell God “Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing me to experience what you let me experience as now I have something to look forward to. You know my heart and my fears and you’ve taken that fear away for me. Thank you.” :o
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