Are you afraid that you might be eternally damned?

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Am I afraid of the radical possibility that I could reject God and therefore lose eternal salvation? Yes. Do I believe it will happen if I continue to strive to love and serve Him? No.
That certainly could be a very healthy fear to have, if that fear might motivate one to take steps to remedy the situation.
Dr. Colossus:
Am I afraid of the radical possibility that I could reject God and therefore lose eternal salvation? Yes. Do I believe it will happen if I continue to strive to love and serve Him? No.
My own positions as well… 🙂
I’m completely afraid, but I never do anything to change it…it’s a strange thing…I’m trying though but it seems I’m going nowhere fast…
…don’t have time to be afraid…

…too busy… these forums will work the color right off of you:thumbsup:
I don’t worry about my salvation, I think I have that part locked up, I am afraid that I might not live up to to what he would have me be (in reality who of us can?). Fortunately there is the grace of God and he understands if we need a gentle nudge (or a crack with a 2x4) spiritually every once in a while 🙂 !
Yes…that 's why I try always to walk in His ways and to always have in my heart and on my lips…

O my God,
I am heartily sorry for
having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of heaven,
and the pains of hell;
but most of all because
they offend Thee, my God,
Who are all good and
deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve,
with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins,
to do penance,
and to amend my life.
Yes…that 's why I try always to walk in His ways and to always have in my heart and on my lips…

O my God,
I am heartily sorry for
having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of heaven,
and the pains of hell;
but most of all because
they offend Thee, my God,
Who are all good and
deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve,
with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins,
to do penance,
and to amend my life.
…one of my favorite:thumbsup:
We have a moral assurance of our salvation, though we don’t have an absolute assurance.

A moral assurance means that God will provide us the grace to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” if we only avail ourselves of that grace.

An absolute assurance says that no matter what you do, you will go to heaven. That leads to presumption and loose living. Even Paul talks about running the race to the end lest he, too, be disqualified.

I usually sum it up like this:

No damned person will ever be able to face God on their judgement day and say to God, “You never gave me enough grace to live in Christ.” They will look back at every point in their life and clearly see God’s saving hand extended out to them, and they will clearly see their rejections of that grace.

Some say, “If God KNOWS who is going to be damned and who is to be saved, is that not double predestination (the false idea that God predestines some to heaven and some to hell)?” The answer is, “No. At every point where someone chooses to ignore Christ, he was there with enough grace to have effected a saving change. It was only the hardened will that prevented the change. God doesn’t force love.”

Shouldn’t we all be afraid as we are sinners, yet hopeful as we are Christ’s?

I’d better be afraid, or I will fall right back to sin if I can not be perfectly contrite.
Dr. Colossus:
Am I afraid of the radical possibility that I could reject God and therefore lose eternal salvation? Yes. Do I believe it will happen if I continue to strive to love and serve Him? No.
This is how I also feel. Keep on Keeping on :gopray2:
Yes…that 's why I try always to walk in His ways and to always have in my heart and on my lips…

O my God,
I am heartily sorry for
having offended Thee,
and I detest all my sins,
because I dread the loss of heaven,
and the pains of hell;
but most of all because
they offend Thee, my God,
Who are all good and
deserving of all my love.
I firmly resolve,
with the help of Thy grace,
to confess my sins,
to do penance,
and to amend my life.
I agree this prayer is a really good one. With my weak human nature and how fast bad decisions can be made, I do fear going to hell and being eternally damned. Only by co-operating with the Lord’s grace can this be prevented from my limited understanding. Sometimes it can be way too easy to rationalize, compromise and fall.:eek:
LOL island oak that made me laugh out loud!!! 😃

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I try not to think of hell too much, I do my best in life and when I stand before god on Judgement day, i’ll be in confidence that I know I did what I could and if god doesn’t like me then… :crying: I’ve been rejected!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

although I admit I havn’t always been doing my best depression dragged me down so far, my life hasn’t started off on a good note…

Well also another thing we can’t really persume what judgement god would pass on ourselves or other people…
What rwally cheezes me off is when The jehovah’s witness come up and say that we “worldy people” are doomed and only people in their congregation will live while Jehovah will destroy us all!!
We can’t say what judgement god would pass on people
God can be quite… Unpredictable

I admit its s freaky thought, burning in hell/lake of fire for eternity… 😦 :eek: :crying: :bigyikes:
It hurts bad enough when I try to cook but burn my hand from accidently touching a metal bit in the oven… 😦
(well I’m not very good at cooking)

There is always the fear that sometime down the road something might happen, and I am surely a sinner, but I know that if I pray for God’s mercy and truly try to amend my ways, that I will be safe.

I am afraid of death somewhat… But as for my salvation… I put my trust in the Lord. If I be damned, then I shall be damned praising God in Hell. 👍
(Well, probably not like that, but just sayin)
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