Are you afraid that you might be eternally damned?

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No, I am not afraid of damnation. I realize that I am a sinner and only deserve damnation, that would be justice. I also realize that Christ had mercy on the entire world when he died at calvary. Further, I fell very far in my life and if it were not for the direct intervention of God drawing me back to him I would already be lost. So no, I am no longer afraid.

If you stand on the edge of the abyss, you cannot afford to be afraid, because if you are then you shall fall. Rather put your trust in the one who can save you, Jesus Christ who died for our sins.

When you have nothing left to lose, then you can begin to live.
When you have nothing left to lose, then you can begin to live.

Is it not true that when you have nothing left to lose, then you have nothing to live for?
The will to survive strengthens when you have others depending on you.

When you are standing at the Abyss looking in, do not fear that you shall fall. Fear that if you fall then you shall not return to those who love you.
Put your trust in the Lord as he shall be your shield and your guidance.
“Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Mat 16:24 DRB

I am sorry if I was not clear, until we quit living for ourselves and start living for christ we do not truly live.

“Know you not that all we who are baptized in Christ Jesus are baptized in his death? For we are buried together with him by baptism into death: that, as Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life.” Rom 6:3-4 DRB
I’m a little afraid, as I am a sinner like everyone else. BUT then I try to keep in mind what is said during mass, anyone who eats My Body and drinks My Blood will have life everlasting.

I’m a bit more afraid for my friends and loved ones. BUT even then I pray that God is merciful and forgives them their sins and lack of faith as well. I trust in the goodness of the Lord, that’s all any of us can hope for.
You are so funny…NOT!!!
Dear Chef:

I’m hoping you have better luck with your souffle’s than you do responding to posts. You usually just get one shot at the souffle…😃
But for Grace:
No, I am not afraid of damnation. I realize that I am a sinner and only deserve damnation, that would be justice. I also realize that Christ had mercy on the entire world when he died at calvary. Further, I fell very far in my life and if it were not for the direct intervention of God drawing me back to him I would already be lost. So no, I am no longer afraid.

If you stand on the edge of the abyss, you cannot afford to be afraid, because if you are then you shall fall. Rather put your trust in the one who can save you, Jesus Christ who died for our sins.

When you have nothing left to lose, then you can begin to live.
I completely agree with you. I am not afraid, I know that I am a child of God and I am going to Heaven. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one way to Heaven, and that is through His Son, Jesus Christ. For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life John 3 v16.
Once we accept Christ into our life we no longer have to wonder and worry about where we will spend eternity, we can rest assured that we will spend eternity with God. That does not mean that we should live our lives as if we can do anything we please because we are going to Heaven for sure. It is our job and responsibility as Christians to live our life for Christ, in a way that is pleasing to Him.
Yes, that thought has been coming across my mind lately.

  1. These thoughts can be brought on by Satan. Egging us on to worry and fear. (It’s the initial fear)
  2. It can be our conscience telling us that we are not prepared to meet our Lord.
  3. It can be a sign that we ‘go by faith and not by sight.’ We trust Him and look forward to Purgatory.
  4. It’s the ‘fear and trembling’ that we realize the Awesome power and presence of God. 'We think (believe) we are Not Worthy and we develope fear, but God wants us TO Love Him. ‘be not afraid.’
It can be all of these above or others situations.

Regardless, we should not take this lightly! :eek:
Yes, I’m afraid because I fear Hell, but I’m working on turning that imperfect love to perfect love which means acting out of love of God rather than fear of going to Hell. And no my salvation is not assured; my redemption is though. The gates of Heaven have been opened for us all through Christ’s sacrifice,but my own salvation is not assured,which is why I have to fight the good fight, so that I can win the race.All the more reason for me to call upon actual grace so that I my have a chance to get into Heaven. While here on earth, I can only exercise my free will to make the right choices, not fall into mortal sin, and, if I do, to confess them as soon as possible, so that I can regain sanctifying grace in my soul. Yes, Hell is real, and yes, many people are there, and yes, I do not want to be one of them, so I will use my free will to do as a I ought,which is to live in the will of God.
It is spiritually healthy that one should NOT BECOME overly confident about one own’s salvation (because to do otherwise, would be inviting in the “sin of presumption”).

But this “fear” must be tempered steadily by faith and hope …

Lest one falls into “hope-less-ness”.
No, I am not afraid at all. I, like all other beings, am a child of a loving God. A truly loving God could not send his beloved children to damnation any more than he could do it to himself. God is love, not pain.

Before I realized this I used to think that keeping the fear around would be a good idea “just in case” but all it did was keep me from living my life and being happy. What truly loving parent doesn’t want their child to be happy?
i’m afraid of the possibility. but am i afraid that it actually will happen? no.
Nope, not in the least… Of course, my feelings may have just a little to do with the fact that I don’t believe in “eternal dxxnation”. (And I’ve contacted forum administrators about the use of this language… If I can’t say “Damn” without people grousing, neither should this character be able to…)

My first response is, what would be the point? Just keep on following God, and leave it up to Him. Fear leads to lack of peace and spending too much time on introspection. Better to say, this is today, here is what I’m doing today (for God), then go do it.
Are you afraid that you might be eternally damned?
The question is deliciously vague. If “might” means that the fix is in and there’s nothing one can do, then the answer is no, I do not fear that I might be damned [without recourse]. If “might” stresses the possibility that I might stray, well yes, I do fear that. Unwashed confidence is the fatuous faith of the protestant. The Catholic knows that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The honest runner does not know the outcome of the race in advance.

Thanks for the question!
No,not at all.Just for one great reason.I believe in our Lord and our Blessed Mother,I know if I believe I will be saved.I have a complete faith in Them,and I feel happy because I feel it everyday.:bounce:
Wasn’t St. Joan d’Arc asked a question like this during her trial?
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