Are you personally "attacked" for your faith?

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Peace be with you !

My question: Is there anyone that finds themselves personally attacked for their faith? We read every day about how Catholics are ridiculed and mocked in our society. How it’s OK to make jokes about our Holy Father. How Our Lord is mocked in sitcoms and cartoons. What about everyday life?

Example: I wear a crucifix around my neck at all times. At work, I’m refered to as the “Office Bible Nut”. When sign up sheets for parties are passed around the office, I find my name crossed out frequently. When I ask why, I’m told “Since your religious, we figured you wouldn’t be interested”

Just this past Friday, one of the office workers came to me and said " I put this this shirt on just for you". It was a Tee Shirt that read " So many Christians … So few lions"

It doesn’t happen every day, but at least a couple days a week something is said, or done.

I can’t be mad at these folks because they just don’t understand the joy that is found in following Christ. I pray for them every day.

It can be overwhelming at times however …:banghead:

In His Peace!
they are non-believers…nevermind them. You DON’T want to go to those parites. So feel fortunate you are not pressured into them.

on the otherhand theres those protestants who think you are going to hell for being a Catholic…they can be much cruler then someone who does not believe in God.

All faithful Catholics will run into this kind of treatment. When it happens, we can considerate it an honor to have to bear this cross in the name of Jesus Christ. We can use these opportunities to evangelize those that are persecuting us. If a discussion is not appropriate for a given situation, then our loving and faithful example can speak for the Lord. When others see the light of Christ within us, we will be doing the work of a missionary.

Some people were martyred quickly others while others were persecuted. Persecution, even in mild doses, is part of the Christian package. It is as Paul tells us in Romans 8:17, “…if children, then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, **provided we suffer ** with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.”
Welcome to the club… of saints that is. If you ever have time read some books from Frank Sheed, Theology and Sanity would be a good one for you right now. I found it helped me see the world in a different light.

I don’t get the mistreatment from my fundy family members that I used to get.

My mom would not watch my son for me to make my Holy Hour in Eucharistic Adoration. She just did the passive/aggressive and not answer my requests. I feel very frustrated and wish she would just say that she can’t support my efforts to faithful in PEA.

I do have my son well drilled in telling fundies that he is saved. He got the question recently in a pool at a campground. I was doing apologetics with the mom at that time.

I defended gently our teachings and explained the positive points of confession. We also talked about salvation and why we believe we can fall from grace. I am sure that my conversion to Catholicism from being a Baptist really made her question Sola Fide.

We kind of expect more trouble than we get, but we have our sacramentals with us and maybe that grants us some grace.

I am a devotee of St. Michael the Archangel and the Holy Spirit and his spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It is not easy to withstand. constant prejudice and criticism, but offer it up for the poor souls in Purgatory and you will have many friends to intercede for you when ask.

A happy convert.
This is an interesting question. I have had a couple of things happen that were quite disturbing.

One time an old boyfriend of mine, a fallen away Catholic, tore up one of my Rosaries and left it for me on the coffee table to find. That was very, very disturbing to me. Obviously he himself was quite disturbed and definitely no longer a friend of mine.

Another time I was at work and one of the fundamentalists there asked me what was the “thing” I had around my neck, in a very confrontational tone. I explained to her it was a crucifix and she asked why I wore it when He had already risen and I explained that as a Catholic I am ever reminded that He died for us on the Cross for our sins and I am very humbled before it. Sitting next to her was a fallen away Catholic who said she found the crucifix “disturbing.” All of this was said in a tone of mockery. It was awkward having this happen at work. I just think it is very sad.

At another job the Director of our department singled me out because I am a Catholic and he is an Assembly of God member and he actually fired me for this reason. Hard to believe but very true. Many fundamentalists really do hate Catholics. I try to pray for them from time to time but it is challenging!! :rolleyes:
I am a Protestant, and I had someone who was formerly a social worker for the state social services inform me how she would never put one of “her children” in one of those screwed up “born againer” households.
When I informed her I was a screwed up born againer, she proceeded to tell me I should attend a “normal” church and how all the crazies go to those born againer churches.
I am personally attacked for my faith from others within the Catholic Church! (the 5th column):confused: I’m considered to be old fashioned in my faith, too dogmatic, too legalistic… I’m too Pro-Life and gee there must be something wrong with me since I frequent the sacrament of Reconciliation… I am also Charismatic and can pray in tongues…:eek: Though I haven’t attend a Charismatic meeting in years…I still yearn for that wonderful shared prayer that comes from a Prayer Group .

When I announced to my pastor a few years back that I had become a cooperator with Opus Dei, he frowed on it told me that I shouldn’t get involved with “those people”… One of the best things I ever did!👍
Praise His Holy Name, Annunciata:)
My husband lost one job when his evangelical/fundamentalist boss took exception to my husband telling a co-worker to please stop trying to “evangelize” him out of the Catholic Church (on company time, no less–the attempts to convert my husband away from the Church, that is).
Okay, I feel pretty fortunate. My husband is a Protestant and has said that he doesn’t think that he could ever believe all the Catholic stuff and convert, but he supports my faith and is okay with raising our children as Catholics. My in-laws haven’t said much, although my father-in-law made sure to tell me how much he enjoyed attending the Nuptial Scripture Service at my parish when DH and I were married. My boss is Jewish, and we have rather interesting discussions about faith and practices, all very respectful. I have friends who are Protestant, Muslim, and agnostic, and they’re also respectful.

Come to think of it, it’s usually fellow Catholics and fallen-away Catholics who are the most difficult to deal with. A lot of them don’t understand why I believe this "", and others will go through the motions and then b about having to “sit through that boring Mass”, etc. Then there are others who have been wronged by a priest 25 years ago, which caused them to leave, never come back, and spend 25 years complaining to anyone who would listen.
When I was studying to become Catholic, my boss (a 7th day adventist) found out and would frequently tell me how wrong the religion was. I would defend the faith the best I could, but it got to the point where she would harass me several times a week. So, I went to her boss and complained. It quickly stopped. I have no problem with people who honestly are interested in my religion with no plan to attack or convert me asking questions or making comments. However, I do not appreciate people who will not give me the respect for my religion as I do theirs. Please remember that if you are being harassed in the workplace for your religion, it is against the law. It can be stopped.
Sir_Hubert said:
Peace be with you !
My question: Is there anyone that finds themselves personally attacked for their faith? We read every day about how Catholics are ridiculed and mocked in our society. How it’s OK to make jokes about our Holy Father. How Our Lord is mocked in sitcoms and cartoons. What about everyday life?
Example: I wear a crucifix around my neck at all times. At work, I’m refered to as the “Office Bible Nut”. When sign up sheets for parties are passed around the office, I find my name crossed out frequently. When I ask why, I’m told “Since your religious, we figured you wouldn’t be interested”
Just this past Friday, one of the office workers came to me and said " I put this this shirt on just for you". It was a Tee Shirt that read " So many Christians … So few lions"
It doesn’t happen every day, but at least a couple days a week something is said, or done.
I can’t be mad at these folks because they just don’t understand the joy that is found in following Christ. I pray for them every day.
It can be overwhelming at times however …:banghead:
In His Peace!

YES, of course. Recall the Bible passage which states: "If we are followers of Christ WE WILL BE PERSECUTED! This is a fact. And Yes, I have seen and experienced it in my life many many times. I know now to expect it. Even our own families can do it. But unless we’re willing to give up everything, forsake our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, we are not worthy of HIM. This is our calling to be in Christ. And we must not expect anything less. I could mention story after story of how it’s happened to me. Mostly by Fundamentalists–even more than non-believers, which is a real shame.

Be strong~ We must all choose Jesus!
A few Protestants have told me that I’m going to hell because I’m Catholic and believe in Mary, the Saints, infant baptism, etc. I know it’s not true, but it still feels bad to be told that you’re going to hell because of your faith. 😦

Another time I was at work and one of the fundamentalists there asked me what was the “thing” I had around my neck, in a very confrontational tone. I explained to her it was a crucifix and she asked why I wore it when He had already risen and I explained that as a Catholic I am ever reminded that He died for us on the Cross for our sins and I am very humbled before it. Sitting next to her was a fallen away Catholic who said she found the crucifix “disturbing.” All of this was said in a tone of mockery. It was awkward having this happen at work. I just think it is very sad.

Your answer to the other “Christian” was good. They might better understand your Catholic language when you have a few Bible verses ready that you can quote to back up your position.

I found a few to show why Catholics glory in the Cross of Christ (Gal 6, 14 But as for me, God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.) Here they are:

1 Cor 1, 23 *but **we, for our part, preach a crucified Christ *- to the Jews indeed a stumbling block and to the Gentiles foolishness…


Gal 2, 20 With Christ I am nailed to the cross. It is now no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me.

Gal 5,24 And they who belong to Christ have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires.

Matthew 5:
11. Blessed are you, when men reproach you, and persecute you, and speaking falsely, say all manner of evil against you, for my sake.
12. Rejoice and exult, because your reward is great in heaven.


I haven’t been attacked, but just today I answered an e-mail from a cafeteria Catholic who references my “religious passion” as if it were an illness for which I should be seeking powerful medication! I throw a large Christmas party each year, and I love to watch my few fundamentalist guests do a double take at the 30 inch crucifix in my entry hall!🙂
Well, before we all rush off joyously to martyrdom, just keep in mind that a little aggressiveness coupled with humor goes a long way.

Most people in my circle of friends–office or otherwise–know that I don’t take anti-Catholic bigotry well. I don’t get prissy, but if a Protestant takes a shot at the Faith with some snarky comment about worshipping statues or paying for forgiveness of sins, I tell them to give us back the Bible they’re abusing–it’s a Catholic publication. Or, I’ll ask them where in the Bible it says the altar should be a place for electric guitars.

You’ll never win anyone over in spontaneous theological bursts. You need to win them over to YOU first. When they respect you, that’s when you unapologetically, unambiguously, give them the truth. Know your stuff, though. They can smell insecurity and fear–and they don’t like it.
I haven’t been attacked, but just today I answered an e-mail from a cafeteria Catholic who references my “religious passion” as if it were an illness for which I should be seeking powerful medication! I throw a large Christmas party each year, and I love to watch my few fundamentalist guests do a double take at the 30 inch crucifix in my entry hall!🙂
I have experienced the same reaction from my good friends who think that I should stop going to church daily and turn to meds to help me cope with my problems instead of God.
A few Protestants have told me that I’m going to hell because I’m Catholic and believe in Mary, the Saints, infant baptism, etc. I know it’s not true, but it still feels bad to be told that you’re going to hell because of your faith. 😦
When my husband was younger, he was searching for a Church. (He is a cradle Catholic who fell away.) He started attending a Baptist Church in our town. (It’s known in some circles as Wall Street Baptist. HUGE congregation with buses that run from several different parking lots to the Church.) He was very impressed. He loved it, and started attending Sunday School. As soon as they found out he was Catholic, they ganged up on him. Telling him that he had better get baptized, soon, because he was surely going to Hell. He was devastated.

He is still not a strict Catholic, but he hasn’t “Church shopped” since then.
Discrimination within the workplace or creating a hostile work enviornment because of someone’s religion is against the law. Get with your supervisor, Human Resources department, company owner or the EEOC.

Of course pray for your fellow workers and let them see Jesus love in you. By reporting this behavior, you may protect someone else from ever worse abuse!
Discrimination may be against the law, but be careful. A lot of places are into the relativist ideas and won’t allow ANY sort of evidence of “religion” in the workplace. Separation of church and state, you know. . . .(sighs again, how often have I tried to explain to people that the former phrase is NOT part of the Constitution).

I myself work in a private college with a Protestant, a Jew, and a Buddhist. I cannot wear or display anything “religious” at my desk or on my person (visibly) as this would be considered disrespectful of the religious preferences of my coworkers. However, in another area of the college where the majority of the coworkers are Protestant, their desks/ rooms etc. DO contain religious items such as Bibles, tracts from their churches, crosses, etc., and they can also display Christmas trees and Easter baskets (which I may not).

Every situation is unique. While I may not be able to express myself with a visible sign of my faith, I attempt to model my faith in every action of my daily life. Even when I get “picked on” by my co-workers, who are very liberal and anti-Bush, I take it with a smile and a kind remark about something else. (At least, I have so far. I don’t know how bad things may get as the election gets closer, but I’ll pray for grace).
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