Are you personally "attacked" for your faith?

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I’ll pray the rosary for you.You may have to wait a long time for your prayers to be answered,but they will be answered.A
relative of mine made a bad marriage,his wife took off to Australia with his much loved young daughter after an affair with a doctor.Later,she had the nerve to write to this man’s sister
claiming she was penniless in Australia.This episode caused the man to lose his Faith and everyone was being asked to pray for him.He died in a nursing home run by the Irish Sisters of Charity,receiving Confession and Communion regularly before he died.At the same time,we noticed,hopefully not too late,that we should have been praying for his brother who had not received
Confession or Communion at the funerals of his two brothers or his wife.We had thought he had a pretty stable family life.
Awhile back on EWTN, there was a series by Fr. Fox of the Fatima Family Apostolate They have their video series called “Reclaiming your children for the faith” Seems there was a book as well. The program seemed decent and Fr. Fox had some great insights into this problem. EWTN probably has some of the materials, too.

I can’t imagine how it is to have a husband who is so anti-faith, but perhaps good St. Monica’s writings could be assistance.

My other suggestion is to spend time before the Blessed Sacrament and tell Jesus about your husband and sons.
in one word…YES! i am the only Catholic in my family and planning a Catholic wedding with a protestant family has been a NIGHTMARE. but no big deal, i come here for the support and fellowship i need, and i get lots of it on sundays at Mass and at the CCE class i teach.
I probably will be on Thanksgiving-- my parents and 4 brothers almost certainly voted for Kerry!! —KCT
The latest attacks are concerning sexual abuse by clergy. According to some people, all priests are child molesters. Some of the most rabid anti-Catholics have made clergy abuse their mission. No, none of these people I encounter were abused themselves, they are not even Catholic.

To those people, I would say " Anyone could be a child molester, not just a priest. Police officers, teachers, doctors…anyone". My in-laws threw this one at me when they found out i was interested in catholicism. I just told them that more attention was paid to those priests who actually molested children rather than the doctors or teachers, because priests are supposed to be celibate. The media can twist things any way they want.

I watched the passion last night…my room mate, who is athiest, started telling us about how jesus was a wizard, like Gandlaf, and that him and satan were battling magical powers. He also said that the magic part was taken out of the bible in the middle ages so that more people would be in fear and turn to the church. Needless to say, my husband and i laughed for a really long time. i mean, you don’t go up to a born-again evangelist and a somewhat catholic and tell them that Jesus is a wizard. I’d like to see him try that on someone who didn’t know him…
I have observed Catholics being attacked, because of the views they hold regarding homosexuality and abortion, on a so called “multi faith” community. Disgusting if you ask me. I truly feel badly, I thought the days of bigotry against Catholics were over.
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